Every time we look at open source projects, we see that there are many kinds of licenses. Are you still struggling with how to choose a license for open source projects? Most of the pictures on the Internet are Ruan Yifeng's 2011 pictures, or the English version is copied from each other, which is quite old. So we sorted them out and only need this picture to understand these licenses~

Free software/open source software is free, free, and open source. We can download, install and use it freely. At the same time, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights of authors and contributors, ensure that these software will not be stolen by some commercial institutions or individuals, and affect the development of software, the open source community has developed various open source license agreements.

Click the picture to view the original picture
 [Original] A picture to understand several common open source license agreements

If you want to know more protocols, please refer to Click here View more license notes for

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