As you know, the pdf file of the web page opened by Apple mobile phone can be opened by default, with a built-in reader, but Android cannot. You must use some js methods to achieve online preview, or you will be prompted to download directly, which is very unfriendly. Let's share a few simple steps to achieve online preview of pdf files on Android phones.

1) First, download some js packages. The download address is: Click here to arrive directly
 Online preview of PDF files in Android mobile web pages

2) Click Download to download the stable version

 Online preview of PDF files in Android mobile web pages

3) Introduced into the project:

 <script src="js/build/pdf.js"></script> <script src="js/web/viewer.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/web/viewer.css">

4) Use, access by default js/web/ The pdf file in the directory. To open files in other places, use ../../ test.pdf that will do
<a target="_blank" href="js/web/viewer. html? File=mypdf/test. pdf">Preview PDF files online</a>

Then you can preview the pdf directly~~~