Pet Palu Archive Extraction Tool

Resource type: Game Archive
Resource language: Simplified Chinese
Operating environment: WinAll
Resource size: 15.07MB
Sorting time: 2024-01-31
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Pet Palu Archive Extraction Tool It is a very useful tool for freely modifying and archiving. In this software, we can quickly adjust through our own archiving, such as deleting characters you don't like, adjusting character levels, or adding your own game currency. No matter what type of modifying and archiving extraction tools are available, come and try the Pet Palu Archive Extraction Tool!

 Pet Palu Archive Extraction Tool 1


First, let's learn how to use the XGP archive extraction tool. The main function of this tool is to allow players to retrieve archived information in the game for subsequent modification or sharing. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Create a game world in the Pet Palu archive extraction tool: In Pet Palu, you need to create a game world first, which will become the basis of your game processing program.

2. Locate the steam archive location: Open the game, click Start Game on the main interface of the game, select the world you created, and then click the folder icon at the bottom left corner. This will open the archive folder.

3. Archive folder path: Your archive folder path is usually C: Users your user name AppData Local Pal Saved SaveGames a string of numbers a string of characters. Within this folder, you will find the following files and folders:

- Level

- LevelMeta

- LocalData

- WorldOption

These files and folders contain information about your game world.

4. Player character archive: The 00000000000000 folder in the archive folder contains the archive data of the player character.

5. Custom world settings: You can readjust the game world settings according to your own preferences.

6. Multiple Baokemeng: most Baokemeng has been included in the archive, and there are also some that need to be collected by yourself. If you don't like some Baokemeng in the archive, you can delete them at any time and recapture your favorite Baokemeng.

7. Use the XGP archive retrieval tool: Double click to run the XGP archive retrieval tool. Once the tool opens, you can modify the archive as needed. Make sure that the directory is set to the steam archive path you previously located.

8. Save and enjoy the game: remember to save your changes after you finish modifying the archive. Now you can restart the game and enjoy your custom game world.

Through the above steps, you can easily use the XGP archive retrieval tool to customize your game experience of Petition Palu. You can adjust the game world, Baokemeng and other game elements according to your own preferences to get a more satisfying game experience. I hope this guide can help you enjoy this wonderful game better!

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