Zblog Spider Visiting Record Plugin

Record the search spider and judge whether it is a true or false spider by the IP address it accesses. In addition, it also has its own IP anti checking tool to check whether the IP is a search spider IP!

Application: ZblogPHP

Price: sixty-six point six six eighty-eight point eight eight
Related introduction A

Mochu's after-sales group can download the free version!

Don't talk much nonsense, really get to the point....

Main functions of plug-ins:

1. Record the visit records of search engine spiders

2. Supported spiders include Baidu, 360, Sogou, Google, Toutiao, etc

3. Collect a large number of IP segments of search engine spiders to identify the true and false spiders

4. Add the blacklist function, which can put the IP address of the fake spider into the blacklist for easy screening

5. Add the function of IP anti query domain name to further enhance the accuracy of the judgment of true and false spiders

6. Statistics function of spider visit record, spider ranking list, visit page ranking list, etc. of search engine

7. Clear all records of spider visits with one key to prevent the database from being too large

8. Long term search engine spider IP library maintenance, faster and more comprehensive

Plug in screenshot

 QQ screenshot 20200115141857.jpg

Spider Access Record

 QQ screenshot 20200115141830.jpg

IP anti query information

 QQ screenshot 20200115142919.jpg

statistical information

 QQ screenshot 20200115133410.jpg

Spider customization

 QQ screenshot 20200115141514.jpg

IP Backcheck

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Mobile phone code scanning

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