Goodbye, Wude


In 2014, we registered the domain name, which has gone through eight years. From the beginning of a website, to gradually attract students, the content is constantly enriched and the development is also thriving. But all the banquets ended day after day. The former students went their separate ways because of their respective studies. The enthusiasm for standing in those years also gradually dissipated with time, and I also slowly stopped.

It's time to draw a stop for him.

J ICP B No. 15001316

J ICP B No. 15001316

J ICP B No. 15001316

Simple site composed of different page combinations

This is my website in 2014

At that time, it was called My Web. It was not so much a website as a simple collection of several pages. Before that, there was a more humble page with table layout, but as time went by, it was hard to find it again.

The name of my website actually began in English. The word wonld came from the word world. When r became longer, it became wonld. Then transliterate it to get the name.

I still remember that the summer vacation of 14 years happened to be the year when I graduated from primary school. I took this book PHP and MySQL Web Development (the fourth edition of the original book) and used a broken Lenovo G470 computer that I liked very much. I used Dreamweaver, which is not so suitable for website development now, to build a small website bit by bit.

At that time, the goal was also very simple, that is, to build a website, and then to retain the information of students, so as to facilitate the meeting of students in the future. (Although I haven't seen my primary school classmates since then)

I didn't use Linux that year. The website hosting uses website space. I can't forget the sour FTP upload speed, although later I learned to compress and package first, and decompress after overall upload to improve the speed. I still remember that FileZilla, the upload software used in those years, and the database panel phpMyAdmin provided by IXWebHosting, a space provider, are not fully functional.

The blue waistline is based on the page known by Baidu. In the era when there was no flex layout, I struggled with float for a long time to make the elements symmetrically separate from left and right. At that time, my English was not enough for the above StackOverFlow. Many questions were searched by Baidu, and Baidu knew to get the answers.

Self made CMS team blog

This is the website of Wudi in 2014

At this time, the website has become a little more systematic. It is no longer a loose web page collection before. It has different columns, and different editors are responsible for managing different columns. In addition, in order to reuse the previous code, I have built a rendering library myself, although XSS vulnerabilities are rampant.

At that time, tsja made great efforts to update the introduction of the mobile phone brand. xyseer serialized his short stories, and reget updated his game introduction. All the editors contributed a lot of high-quality content.

My mother once complained about the color design of this website, such as the mourning hall>_<, and the color did not increase the brightness at that time. Black was pure # 000.

My website's name was also taken away by a registered trademark. In order to avoid risks, I had to change the name. For this matter, I asked about the registered trademark later. Finally, because of the price, I just registered the copyright and hastily settled the matter.

Access to the web development process of Laravel learning Java

This is the from 2017 to now (Wude)

When I learned VC, I put it for a long time because of the class. Compared with the strong type of C++, the weak type of PHP is more friendly to beginners, but the class learning PHP in that year is useless This is also the basis of my object-oriented learning.

At this time, the website is not just a hand tapping CSS, but also learned to use bootstrap and other tools to help. The interface is obviously beautiful, but unfortunately the soul of a site is not its program, but people.

Seventeen years later, I also reached the bottleneck period, and I always wanted to build a perfect website. The design of data structure can accommodate everything (with some philosophical thinking). Later, I found that similar things had been done for a long time. His name was Twitter. At that time, I thought that the connection of data was a graph. Later, I came up with a thing called graphql, It's just a lot more profound than my thinking at that time.

By 2022, I also understand that people should write programs to serve real life (practicality first).

At this time, I thought of a good name. I intended to use it when the new program was launched, but because of the perfectionism at that time, the new program has not been completed and launched.

This is also a lesson for me, In spite of the perfection of tm, run first

This is a short link project produced in 2018. I have to link

The road after

After that, I got in touch with Vue by Larravel, and thus I got in touch with modern JavaScript, and wrote an update of the community project in high school with Vue (in order to show my ability, but no one went to see this website).

This is Vue single page application project produced in 2018, Nankai Tichuang Heat Transfer

Ruan Yifeng's blog helped me understand JavaScript object features (prototype chain), class simulation and other features.

At this stage, my enthusiasm for maintaining Wude gradually diminishes. Although I haven't given up (I'm doing it now), I just haven't updated the community program, and I don't have the motivation to continue running this website. It is the state of this period that it is always hung but not closed.

At that time, they turned to WordPress to write technology blogs. WordPress only wanted to go online quickly, and the themes were casual default themes. However, some technology blogs still had a certain number of visitors, and they were translated by foreign friends. These are also some small candlesticks in the dark period.

This is the wordpress blog

Then we used nuxt.js (Vue) to build our own new blog, and then switched the technology stack of the two companies to next.js (React)+next.js to the current blog.

The website servers have also been replaced again and again. After the initial IXWebHosting escaped, Amazon Web Services, Alibaba Cloud, Vultr, VirMach, and self built servers have been replaced. Now there are only AliCloud student packages and VirMach's special chicken. When AliCloud student packages are over, there will be a chicken left.


It is also a pity that for personal reasons, the website has not been expanded. But it may not be a bad thing for my carefree character. Wude is a website for students. With the end of my student days, he has come to the end of his time.

I miss those beautiful years.

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(∀) In other words, welcome to the small station of lookas!

This is the place where lookas records some things. From time to time, there may be some magical brain holes or unreliable ideas of lookas.

Anyway, let's have a look.