Record your favorite up main live broadcast, VLC!


It's so sad to miss the live broadcast. What should we do if we don't want other partners to miss the live broadcast again? Use vlc!

This article was migrated from My Own. The original link is

This article is migrated from the old blog. The original link is

Update 20221101. However, the method is similar with little difference, and the idea of this article can still be used for reference. In addition, it is recommended to learn about open-source software streamlink

Reminder: This article has a companion video, which is at the bottom of the article. It is recommended to eat it together with the video.

VLC is a powerful, open source, media processing software that can go to the kitchen and the hall (cross out here), record screen, transcode, and play everything well.

This article uses the live broadcast of station b as an example, and other live broadcast websites are similar to each other.

This article has been tested to be applicable to Desktop Windows10. Since the technology is updated very quickly, please pay attention to the publication time of this article.

This article does not support the mobile platform, and the mobile browser does not support the developer console in the "Find Stream Address" step.

Download and install Chrome (optional)

In fact, other chrome like browsers are OK, but the following example uses chrome, so it is recommended to take some time to install chrome.

The official website is here In view of the national conditions, the website is not accessible in China.

The following link is recommended for downloading in China. The installation will be performed immediately after the download. -D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96%7D%26iid%3D%7B86F44AD8-1DD3-7CAD-EE93-F76347E2AB44%7D%26lang%3Dzh-CN%26browser%3D4%26usagestats%3D1%26appname%3DGoogle%2520Chrome%26needsadmin%3Dprefers%26ap%3Dx64-stable-statsdef_1%26installdataindex%3Ddefaultbrowser/chrome/install/ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe

If the link fails to download, you can download it in a third-party app store, but you must pay attention to bundled installation.

Download and install VLC

The official website is here

The following link is recommended for downloading in China (PS: Thanks for the mirror image provided by the tuna team of Tsinghua University~)

If the link fails to download, please visit the official website to download the latest version.

Select appropriate components according to your own needs during installation

Adjust vlc

To make vlc easier to use, click view, and then click advanced control to make it in a selected state.

Find the serial stream address

Open Browser

Open bilibili live broadcast

Find any anchor and copy the live address

Open a new tab

Press F12 or right click any blank position, click Check, and go to the network tab

Paste the copied live address in the address bar for access, find the longest line in the network tab, and copy its address


Open vlc

Click Media, click Convert/Save, go to the Network tab, and click Convert/Save.

Select parameters. For example, if you want to monitor the current saving progress, you can click Display Output and select the target file

Click Start

When you don't want to record again, you can click the box below to stop


When recording up videos, it doesn't matter if you watch them by yourself. If you need to forward them to other platforms, you'd better get the consent of the original up. In this case, it doesn't matter because the official videos are intercepted~

Those who feel that vlc software is good can go to the official website to donate.

Those who feel that the video is good should like it; If you have any questions, please put forward suggestions in the comments.


Bili Bili:


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(∀) In other words, welcome to the small station of lookas!

This is the place where lookas records some things. From time to time, there may be some magical brain holes or unreliable ideas of lookas.

Anyway, let's have a look.