Graduation Memorial


I'm going to graduate soon. These three years have passed quickly.

This article was migrated from My Own. The original link is

This is the graduation video of Class 1.

Another poem

Joy will wipe away the hardships
Can't wipe away the tears on the smiling face engraved by time
Begonia fades its fragrance
Sleep soundly in silence
Don't want to be pretentious, just afraid to speak
Let memories fly
Every voice is asking questions
Where will we take root tomorrow
When you read the notebook a hundred times, you can see the light paper lines
When the past is full of tiny bacteria
Who is always late and who is afraid to knock on the door
Who is invited to walk through the fallen leaves
Youth hostel willow color dye dust
When you go out of the Yangguan Pass, you will meet your old friends again
You don't have to travel a thousand miles to see the distance between you and your neighbors
But not the next youth
But we don't exist
Plum falling wind

Video source

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