Reflections on After Waves

May 15, 2020 759 points heat 0 likes 0 comments

My ideal life is to be with people I like and do things I like.

These days, the weather is unusually hot and dry, which makes people uneasy, and even makes people unable to study. When I opened Station B, I saw a popular video named "Houlang" on the top. It is a "blessing for the new generation of youth" on station B, and it is also broadcast on CCTV as a special program on the May 4th Youth Day.

When I watched it, listening to the exciting BGM and the lines full of "positive energy", I seemed to feel very excited at once. I temporarily forgot some worries, and felt that our future was infinitely bright and hope was near. But in the days after watching the video, I always felt my heart was blocked, and I always felt that there was something wrong with the video. Today, I opened the video and watched it again, only to find the problem with this video.

As a video promoting "positive energy", the lines of "Houlang" are really moving:

Those voices,
Generation after generation should look at you;
Like me, I look at you with envy.
Human beings have accumulated wealth for thousands of years,
All knowledge, insight, wisdom and art,
Like a gift specially prepared for you;
Science and technology are flourishing, culture is flourishing, and cities are flourishing,
The achievements of modern civilization are opened up layer by layer and can be enjoyed heartily;
Learn a language freely, learn a craft, enjoy a movie, and travel to distant places.
Many people have been exploring their own interests since they were young;
Many people are in their 40s since childhood;
Don't be confused about what you like or dislike.
The barriers between people have been broken,
With the same hobby,
You can make thousands of friends worth cheering,
You have the right we once dreamed of - the right to choose
What you love is your life. You are lucky to meet such an era;
But the times are more fortunate to meet you like this.
I look at you with respect.

This is very similar to us in the Middle and Second Periods many years ago: "Look, the older generation, we are not what you call the" Beat Generation ". We have the best knowledge resources and material wealth in this era. We have our own ideas and choices, and we must be better than you in the future!"

I used to be the same. I firmly believed that hard work will pay off. As long as we persist in our struggle, success will wait for us on the other side. When I was in middle school, I didn't have any pressure from life, and I always ranked top in my school performance. Although there were some fluctuations, I was generally carefree. At that time, I had not been beaten by the society, and I felt that I would show my ability in the social arena in the future, so I was full of various visions of the future.

I first felt that life was not easy when I graduated from high school. At that time, after the college entrance examination, I took advantage of the summer vacation to go to Wuhan alone to do part-time jobs. At that time, I was really confident and fearless. I walked alone in a strange big city with my mobile phone map, and I was not afraid of getting lost. I found an educational institution when I was looking for part-time jobs in summer in 58 kinds of places. I wanted to be a part-time teacher to give guidance to my classmates and fully show my talents. However, it turned out that I was just asked to be a flyer, guard the gate of the middle school or call parents to sell counseling courses. The promise of "becoming a full-time part-time tutor after the end of the publicity period" also became a blank check. I only earned two or three hundred yuan after several days of hard work, which made me very disappointed. On the last day, when they said "You don't have to come", I couldn't help crying. I sat on the crowded Wuhan subway on the way back, looking at the people in hurry, and I felt the indifference and sadness of the society for the first time when I was young. At that time, I thought: Wuhan, a big city, has more prosperous high-rise buildings, but less human warmth. This bad impression directly led me to change my first volunteer to Xiamen University when I filled in the application form.

Although that summer vacation left me a very bad memory, two months later, I entered the hungry university to fill in the application, which diluted my sadness. The relaxed and happy atmosphere of my freshman year also made me gradually forget the past unhappiness, as if I had picked up some confidence. Although four years of college also experienced the depression of uncertain professional prospects and unknown future directions, it was safe to finish the job and find the first formal job in life in Xiamen. After graduation, working in Xiamen was really hard. People with various tasks could not breathe. They often got up early to catch the bus, and then worked late at night to return to their rented rooms. At that time, although I felt a little tired and saw many operations of capital squeezing employees, I also dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak up. At most, I went to the bar to complain at weekends. If I think there is still some salary enough, I can bear it. At that time, my heart was full of frustration, but I still felt that I could bear it. Life was not easy but there was hope. So when I saw someone posting "negative energy" opinions on the Internet at that time, I said in my heart, "People who have a bad life will complain about others all day long on the Internet. If they are not living well, they should try to change their lives. Don't always force them to rely on the Internet." This was my real idea at that time.

The time when my idea changed was in November 2019, when the company I worked for was poorly managed. From even cutting benefits and forcing overtime to finally offering layoffs, many employees "disappeared" one after another, and I was no exception. To be frank, I was laid off. At that time, I suddenly understood the complaint of "Loser" that I had criticized before: I had already worked hard, but the reality still gave me a hard slap. It was not that I didn't have the ability to try hard to eat together, but that the reality was too oppressive.

Returning to the video, I think there is nothing wrong with cheering young people on the festival of young people. After all, life is so difficult, and it is cruel to lose even a little voice of encouragement and support. However, this video didn't make me feel "encouraged", but it made me feel extremely uncomfortable, because it was full of pictures of UP owners with many fans enjoying the fun of life, such as enjoying VR pleasure, one-day tour in Melbourne, learning foreign languages on the iPad pro, and wearing Chinese clothes on the streets of Tokyo... I didn't see real young people struggling for life, On the contrary, it is a small number of young people who are already well equipped to indulge in material enjoyment. They use these people's lives to "bless" young people on Youth Day. Isn't it a cruel mockery of ordinary young people like you and me who are struggling in society? This reminds me of Mr. Zhu Ziqing's sentence: "The excitement is theirs, and I have nothing." I think if you really want to cheer us up, it is better to just say, "It's not so bad now" than to force us to tell, "No, you are not miserable. You have much better conditions than your parents. You have such a rich and wonderful life. Look at those UP masters, That is your life. "This self deceiving, forcefully optimistic thing is less valuable than toxic chicken soup.

I also think that the common "mourning" of contemporary young people is not a complete self denial and complaining about surrender. It is neither an endless sea of suffering and unable to extricate itself, nor is it a sleepless dream of being intoxicated with money, but a face up to the difficulties in front of us and go on in a peaceful attitude. We used to think that we were talented and omnipotent, but one day we need to realize that we are just a human being, accept our "can't", and do a good job of our "can". It is enough to be worthy of heart.


This article is reproduced from@ After Waves impressions _ Hongchen Station


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