Notes on Temporary Site Update and Maintenance

November 26, 2019 1907 point heat 2 people like 2 comments

The approximate record is as follows:
Because WordPress limits the flow and speed of mainland IP,
The update server cannot be accessed normally
Manually update WordPress to the latest 5.3 version;
Modify the blog link to the old address;
Fix the problem that the page references HTTP resources and the browser reports insecurity
It is also worth mentioning that,
The Apache server has enabled the HTTP 2.0 protocol;
Now we use modern browsers such as Chrome that support http 2.0,
The access speed should be improved slightly.


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Article comments

  • Smallyo

    Why can I upgrade online?

    December 22, 2019
    • Gcod

      @Xiaoyou Occasionally

      March 10, 2020