Resolve the problem that the AlphaSSL wild card certificate is not trusted by the mobile device

February 8, 2018 2995 point heat 1 person likes 2 comments

By using After detection, it is found that the cause of distrust is incomplete certificate chain,
It happened that the page had the download address for the certificate chain, so it was added.
I thought the incident would be solved by now,
However, the mobile terminal is still not trusted after the online detection of myssl passes,
It's hard to understand~

Finally, thinking that it must be the certificate chain, I tried to go to the official website to get a copy,

Then, perfect solution.


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Article comments

  • Intoxicated with Chinese style

    After completion, only the UC of the mobile terminal occasionally has problems

    February 11, 2018
    • Gcod

      @Intoxicated with Chinese style Question?

      February 11, 2018