The difference between noopener and nofollow

June 13, 2017 2503 point heat 2 people like 5 comments

In the latest WordPress update, a new attribute rel="nooopener" has been added to the hyperlink insertion of articles by default

(In order to be compatible with Firefox, it is generally combined to write rel="nooopener norreferrer")

A friend mentioned that adding this may affect SEO, which will cause spiders to stop grabbing the link,

But there are no such comments on the Internet,

This problem may be caused by the confusion of some children's shoes in understanding the role of noopener and nofollow.

The nofollow tag is a "anti spam link" tag pioneered by Google and widely supported by Baidu, Yahoo and other major search engines. The purpose of quoting the nofollow tag is to instruct search engines not to track (i.e. crawl) any outbound links with the nofollow attribute on the page, so as to reduce the weight of spam links scattered on websites! (From Baidu Encyclopedia)

The unopener is used to restrict sub pages from controlling the parent page through window.opener to solve the cross domain problem of target='_blank '.

So far, the article ends.


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Article comments

  • Intoxicated with Chinese style

    Brother, for this topic, there is no thumbnail on the home page of the article, and the original image is directly output. The web page is very large. Will you change it

    June 29, 2017
  • Watts

    Webmaster, let's have a friend chain :razz:
    Name: Watts Blog

    June 17, 2017
    • Watts

      @Watts Your site has been added

      June 17, 2017
      • Gcod

        @Watts OK

        June 17, 2017
  • Direct selling

    I haven't used my blog for several years, please support me!

    June 14, 2017