Title: SpringBoot big screen data statistics Demo Create:2024-03-15 ◊ :52

:2024-03-15 18:45
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Write a simple Demo (large screen data statistics, for reference only), with a request example at the end of the article (JSON data structure required for large screen data) Control layer import io.swagger.annotations. Api;   import io.swagger.annotations. ApiOperation;   import lombok. RequiredArgsConstructor;   import lombok.extern.sl......

Title: Two of the five ways to reverse the list in Java Create:2023-05-24 ◊ :469

:2023-06-15 18:39
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In Java, there are several implementation schemes for reversing the order of the list. The following are some common methods: Use the Collections. reverse() method: Use the reverse() method of the Collections class to directly reverse the order of the List. This is the simplest and most common way to modify the original list directly. Use ListIterator iterator: use ListIterator to

Title: Attachment 1: General Configuration Description of POM File Create:2023-06-15 ◊ :316

:2023-06-15 18:38
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<project xmlns=" http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 " xmlns:xsi=" http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance " xsi:schemaLocation=" http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd ">    ......

:2023-03-30 19:23
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

After the idea pushes the local code to git, an error is reported as follows: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:         src/main/resources/application-prod.properties Please, commit your changes or stash them before yo......

Title: JetBrains Whole Family Bucket Activation Method Create:2023-03-30 ◊ :440

:2023-03-30 18:38
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Reprinted, original address: https://www.cnblogs.com/luluBear/p/16377635.html The pro test is effective. Here we take phpstrom as an example. It is reasonable that other products can be activated in the same way. The principle is that we search other authorization servers through code for permanent activation. Mode 1 passes ce nsyshttps://search.censys.io/ Code used: services. http. resp

Title: Using SMB shares securely and correctly under Windows 10/11 Create:2023-03-17 ◊ :427

:2023-03-17 18:49
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Use SMB shares safely and correctly under Windows 10/11. For data security, we should not use SMB1 protocol; We can create a new user with low permissions to use SMB shares to achieve secure isolation; In the local security policy, it should be prohibited to enable the security settings related to the "guest" identity; When we enable network discovery, we should enable password protection; Not recommended

:2023-02-28 12:54
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Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. Learn from this well organized article. If you still can't solve the problem, you can use the following methods 1. Find the project root directory, delete the. idea folder, and restart IDEA to open the project. OK

Title: [Magic Modification] Notepad++ Create:2022-11-18 ◊ :579

:2023-02-28 10:55
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One sentence summary: Anonymous A changed the original Notepad++to Chinesepad, and I changed Chinesepad. Fragmentary thoughts: It is said that the original version of * * (sorry, I don't know how the netizens complained about it), so I had Chinesepad. I was very dissatisfied with my experience at the beginning of today, so I made two changes on the basis of Chinesepad. First: The icon is ugly. It can't be seen that it is the national flag

Title: Flow eliminator Create:2023-02-26 ◊ :520

:2023-02-26 12:28
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A fast traffic consumption online tool for speed measurement on the web side https://liuliang.tk

Title: Windows11 Setup Shortcut Small Arrow Create:2023-01-16 ◊ :498

:2023-01-16 13:48
: TabKey9   :0   :0   View Full Text

Windows11 Setup Shortcut Small Arrow The script is non-toxic and harmless Automatic authorization. If you are not sure about it, delete this section. Right click to execute bat as administrator. The effect is the same if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64" path %path%;% windir%\SysNative;% SystemRoot%\SysWOW64;%~ dp0 bcdedit >......