Green simple zblog blog theme plain

A simple and easy to use zblog free theme suitable for batch website building

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Green simple zblog blog theme plain
 Green simple zblog blog theme plain


The plain theme is a zblog free theme with a responsive structure, adaptive computers, mobile phones and tablets. The code standard is simple, supports Font Awesome font icons, supports the slide plug-in ResponsiveSlides, and supports the customization of the title, keywords, and description of the home page. It meets the requirements of search engine optimization standards.

The structural design and color design of the theme are relatively simple. The navigation type two column structure, mainly white and gray with dark green color, has a logo and a search box on the head. The left side of the main body is the navigation bar of the whole station, the right side is the article list or content, and the bottom is the friendly links and copyright information of the website. The overall visual effect is not gorgeous but very comfortable.


The theme is simple to use. It provides a simple background theme configuration panel, supports uploading logo images, customizing the title/keyword and description of the home page, and has built-in top, bottom, and article advertising spaces. Other operations are similar to the default theme.

On the whole, this is a zblog theme that is more suitable for new users or users who need to build sites in batches.