
First, I want to talk about why I want to go to the interview, because I talked with the seniors during dinner. It's a good opportunity to find a summer internship in my junior year, and the awards I won in school are all around the front. As a person who wants to know what level he is at, he must invest in a big factory, so he chose Alibaba's front-end development. On March 19, Alibaba's boss pushed his resume to the campus recruitment system.

One side (57 minutes)

On the second day of completing the resume, at 20:20 p.m. on March 20, Alibaba's landline number called for a telephone interview. It was unexpected that it came so quickly. At that time, there was nothing to prepare, and my head was confused.

  • Briefly introduce yourself
  • What is the level of your major in the class
  • An impressive project
  • How did 90+stars of github open source project come from
  • Css box model
  • Css for vertical centering
  • How is the dollar ($) of jQuery implemented
  • Ajax principle of jQuery
  • How to solve cross domain problems
  • Principle of jsonp
  • Event binding of js
  • Difference between document.ready and window.onload
  • Do you have any questions for me
  • Ps. At the end of the interview, I said that I had interviewed, and I forgot some small details

Two sides (29 minutes)

At 21:28 on the evening of March 25, a private mobile phone number from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province called for a telephone interview.

  • Briefly introduce yourself
  • Why do I choose to be a front-end (my major is design)
  • Tell me about your project experience and technical difficulties

    • ... around the technical points of the project
    • ... Simulate how other scenarios are implemented or solved around the technical points of the project
  • Differences between ES6 and ES5
  • Difference between let and var
  • How does js solve the inheritance problem
  • If there is a helloworld string, how to reverse it
  • What are the advantages of applets over h5
  • What are the cross platform development frameworks
  • Do you have any questions for me
  • Ps. I forgot some small details

Three sides (31 minutes)

At 19:31 on the evening of March 31, the second interviewer called for a telephone interview to talk about the projects you had done in the two competitions. The interviewer guided me to talk about the projects in depth with the STAR principle, which was great! In fact, the STAR principle should also be used in resumes and interviews! Finally, I want to ask you some questions, not the basic questions.

Ps. After completing the three aspects, I added the interviewer's WeChat, and told me that there would be some intersections. Let me look more at the basics, such as events, closures, box models, data binding of vue and react, virtual DOM, etc

Intersection (32 minutes)

At 18:12 on the evening of April 2, the interviewer of Tmall's technology department called for a telephone interview. He introduced himself+the impressive project and asked some questions about the project. If there were any questions he wanted to ask me, he didn't have the basis.

Ps. The project is very in-depth. Please pay attention to this. Don't dig holes in your resume!

Hrface (43 minutes)

At 11:10 p.m. on April 4, hr's younger sister called for a video interview, using Alibaba's own video conference system. The content of the conversation was basically the same as that of Alibaba hr's interview on


Ali's interviewer's attitude is really excellent!!! At the end of the interview, you can ask the interviewer how I should learn and what aspects are lacking. The leaders will make a summary and suggestions for you to learn the weak parts. Call like crazy!!!
After this interview, I found that my understanding of the front end was limited to document oriented, Google, Stack Overflow. I had a poor understanding of the basics of JavaScript and the technical depth of the projects I worked on, and the algorithm was even blank. No matter you have failed the interview, you still need to refuel in the future!


2019.04.12,23:57。 Email+SMS notification, sent Alibaba's letter of intent for employment, but unexpectedly, only interviewed Ali, and still got to the end. Luck exploded!
2019.04.22,11:54。 HR sister called to confirm the entry time and process, and the offer call finally came~~~

In addition, I recommend an interview map given to me by a front-end boss. Basically, the basic interview questions of js are included in it! I regret that I didn't take a good look before the interview!!! Click here>>> InterviewMap

There is another facial scripture, which is also excellent! Click here>>> Interview script of middle and high level front end big factory, to protect you from gold, three silver and four silver, and to connect to big factory (Part 1)

Last modification: April 22, 2019
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