
I'm SangSir
Born in 1998, majoring in visual communication design
Programming is one of my hobbies
Blog is used to record my ignorance
In the network, you can call me: canon, program ape
But I don't like these terms
Because I have more than that

In real life,

In Jinan, I am currently an inconspicuous UI designer who likes swimming/roller skating/photography/painting, etc. In 2019, I became addicted to making cocktails and also loved traveling Look where I've been And to myself Things I like With strong executive power, the use of brainstorming among teams to think and solve problems is the result I want to see most, and the feeling of inspiration explosion is the most fascinating.

My dream,

Very simple, financial freedom.
Extended reading: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3NvEKw2NbGZOx9yojt8Icg

My column,

  • Two websites publish articles synchronously.

SegmentFault: https://segmentfault.com/blog/sangsir
Nuggets: https://juejin.im/user/5aaa67e06fb9a028cd44d45b

  • Two websites, publishing design works.

Zhanku: https://sangsir.zcool.com.cn
UI China: http://i.ui.cn/ucenter/1122081.html

If you want to be friends with me,

Welcome! You can exchange links with me on the Links page, or follow me through the social links at the bottom of the blog.

  • QQ: 690204663 (Note: SangSir. Com)
  • E-Mail:i#sangsir.com (#=@)
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