Label archiving: PHP automatically installs the latest version of the environment

ILNMP PHP one click installation script

iLNMP Introduction

ILNMP (Installation Linux Nginx MySQL PHP) uses lightweight scripts written in shell to quickly deploy Nginx/MariaDB/MySQL/PHP/phpMyadmin, which is applicable to CentOS 7~8 and Redhat 7~8 x86_64 bit operating systems.

Script properties

  • Continuous update (synchronous update application on official website);
  • No redundant source code, no garbage data generation;
  • All source codes are downloaded from the official website, which is safe and reliable;
  • Fast binary installation, highly customized
  • Interactive installation.

Note: One click configuration and installation of Zabbix, Redis, Kafka, Zookeeper, ES and other big data components may be supported in the future.

Download link