Label archiving: Download MySQL 8.0.21

MySQL Community Server 8.0.21 official image source download

Applicable to general Linux x86_64 MySQL download type size
mysql-8.0.21.tar.gz Source 268.63M
mysql-8.0.21-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.xz Binary 331.70M
For Windows x86_64 MySQL download ZIP file 111.13M
mysql-installer-community- MSI Package 427.55M
For more MySQL version downloads, see《 MySQL Downloads 》。
MySQL version difference:
GLIBC   It is a GNU C library, and the binary file is built on GLIBC or higher version;
Source  MySQL needs to be compiled and installed from source code;
Binary  Binary files, which can be used after decompression;
ZIP file Windows installation free version (i.e. binary file), which can be used after decompression;
MSI Package Windows MSI package with installation wizard interface.

Special instructions : All MySQL download addresses on this site are official image sources, which can be downloaded with confidence.