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 Blog source code sharing

Blog source code sharing

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Blog source code includes two topics icarus and next On the basis of the theme, refer to the blogs of netizens and some of their own ideas to make some changes and add some new elements. The following are some required configurations after modification, and the rest refer to Icarus theme configuration and Next Topic Configuration
Because the source code of the original author has been modified, if you have any problems, please contact me first. Don't bother the original author. If you can solve problems by yourself, don't bother others. Everyone's time is precious.
Worship and thank the original author of all modules, orz 👻, You've had a long day.

Welcome to the audience: Blog+topic source code Pure theme source code Blog+Theme Source Code Live Demo

 Complete illustrations of the 70th anniversary military parade in 2019 (collection!)

Complete illustrations of the 70th anniversary military parade in 2019 (collection!)

Q: At what moment do you think China is very powerful?
Answer: Right now!
There were not enough planes at the founding ceremony. You said that you would fly twice. Now you don't need to fly twice. You can fly as many as you want.
In this golden age, as you wish, the mountains and rivers are still here, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. The ten mile Chang'an Street that was sent to you in those days is now ten mile prosperous!

 Spring boot accesses the dubbo nacos registry
 Java - Policy Mode

Java - Policy Mode

The strategy mode follows the open close principle to achieve code decoupling. It is also convenient to extend the new method. Just inherit the policy interface. These two points listed above are the advantages of the policy mode, but they are not perfect. There are still many shortcomings that we need to master and understand.
The policy pattern distinguishes the object itself from the operation rules, so our entire pattern is also divided into three parts.

  • Context: the context used to operate the policy, that is, we tourists.
  • Abstract strategy class: the abstraction of strategy and travel mode
  • Concrete Strategy: specific strategy implementation, specific implementation of each travel mode.
 MySQL allows maximum sql statement length configuration

MySQL allows maximum sql statement length configuration

MySQL allocates the connection buffer and the buffer sent by the result set for each client connection. The connection buffer is mainly used to accept the sql statements sent by the client, and the initial allocation size is net_buffer_length , can grow dynamically, and can reach max_allow_packet size. This parameter is session read-only. The implication is that the new connection takes effect only when it is modified globally. max_allow_packet It is a parameter used by MySQL to control the size of network packets. The default value is 4M. Once, you can control the large size of a MySQL query statement to achieve MySQL slow sql related optimization.

 github gpg failed to sign the data
 Mysql like fuzzy query optimization

Mysql like fuzzy query optimization

SQL statement writing

The data in a table is about 400000 Like fuzzy query title The field is very slow. The title field has been indexed. MySQL someTitle% Such fuzzy query is fast on the premise of indexing.
So the following two SQL statements are very different
$sql1="... title like someTitle%" (0.001 seconds)

$sql2="... title like% someTitle%" (0.8 seconds)

 English Grammar - Basic Grammar
 English Grammar - Sentence Types

: D One word sentence acquisition