Operation instruction

Preparation before distribution

1、 Permission to open vouchers

Before using the voucher, please go to activate the voucher function. Operation path: [Login to WeChat payment merchant platform ->Product center ->Prepaid voucher ->Activate].


2、 Download API certificate

Merchants need to install certificates when using vouchers. Please download certificates on the merchant platform.


3、 Create a voucher

1. Select voucher type

When creating a voucher, you should first select a full ticket or a single product ticket. The full ticket can reduce the price of all commodities of the merchant, and the single product ticket can only reduce the price of specified commodities. This content is only for the introduction of the whole ticket, please refer to the relevant guidelines of the single ticket《 Single product marketing help manual 》。


2. Fill in basic information

Basic information of vouchers will be displayed to users

The query interface needs to be called:

  1. ◆ Activity name: voucher name, within 9 Chinese characters, will be presented to users on the voucher;
  2. ◆ Marketing expenses: pre charge or free charge can be used. To select pre charge, there should be enough budget in the balance. To select free charge, there should be no budget in advance, but it will affect the amount actually received by merchants during transactions (see details Introduction to WeChat payment marketing tools );
  3. ◆ Face value: the fixed face value of a single voucher cannot be less than 1 yuan;
  4. ◆ Threshold: The voucher can be used only when the order quota is equal to or greater than the threshold amount and is used up at one time. When multiple vouchers or instant discount are superimposed, the order amount before the discount is compared with the non use threshold. The total discount must be less than the order amount, and the user must pay at least one cent;
  5. ◆ Availability time: the effective date and expiration date of the voucher, which has nothing to do with the collection time of the user. Expired vouchers cannot be claimed. The available time is at least 1 day and at most 3 months. You can select the day of the week, time to time;
  6. ◆ Instructions for use: users can be introduced to the use scenarios and payment methods of this batch of vouchers, which will be displayed in the instructions for use on the first page and the card coupon details page after the card bag is put in, with no more than 120 Chinese characters;


3. Fill in other rules

  1. ◆ Number of vouchers that can be collected by users: the number of vouchers that can be collected by each WeChat user should be less than the total upper limit of issuance;
  2. ◆ User type: All users or designated member users can be selected. If the WeChat member of a designated merchant can enjoy the discount, you need to enter the merchant's appid;
  3. ◆ Available merchants: set which merchants can use this batch of vouchers, and the default is the merchant number of the created batch. You can also enter the merchant number and add other merchants that can be used. After entering the merchant number, click OK, and then click Finish after the system successfully enters it. A maximum of 3000 merchant accounts can be added, and these merchants need to use the new WeChat payment interface. This list of merchant numbers will not be displayed to users. In order to enable users to use it successfully, it is better to indicate the available merchants in the instructions. (When different merchant types create recharge free discounts, different active merchants can be added. See details Single product marketing help manual Guidelines for use of recharge free product functions );
  4. ◆ Total upper limit of issuance: the upper limit of the number of vouchers issued in batches is at least 5. After filling in the total distribution limit, the system will calculate the total budget amount of this batch of voucher activities according to the face value of the vouchers. When the number of vouchers distributed reaches this upper limit, it cannot continue to be distributed;
  5. ◆ Card bag function: select whether this batch of vouchers should have the ability to insert the card bag, and whether the vouchers should be inserted into the card bag does not affect the user to receive and own the vouchers. (If you select this item, you need to set an additional card coupon style. Details can be viewed Card package function description );
  6. ◆ Payment method: the limited payment method when consuming this voucher, which is unlimited by default (i.e. change+all bank cards). It can only be limited to change, bank card or a designated bank card type;
  7. ◆ Simultaneous use: in the same order of the user, can the voucher be used together with other WeChat payment preferential activities issued by the merchant. The voucher with the specified payment method must be used without other privileges;
  8. ◆ Payment mode: payment modes include: credit card payment, public account payment, APP payment, code scanning payment, etc. When creating an activity, you can set a specific mode for the marketing activity to take effect;
  9. ◆ Voucher touch message: after the user receives the voucher by scanning the QR code, the system will send the notice of successful collection to the user through the WeChat payment public account;
  10. ◆ Order discount mark: the voucher can only be used for specific commodity orders. The voucher can only be used when the goods_tag field in the payment request information is included in the discount tag list of the order of the voucher. A batch of vouchers can be configured with multiple order preference marks. If the order preference mark in the payment request hits any one of them, the voucher can be used. The order preference mark shall be written in no more than 32 English characters;
  11. ◆ Commodity mark( goods_tag )Note: If goods_tag (content customization) is set in the goods_tag configuration item, the use of vouchers will be triggered only if the parameter is uploaded to WeChat in the payment interface, the content of goods_tag is the same as the configuration content, and the payment amount meets the voucher use conditions. If it is not set, the use of vouchers will be triggered as long as the payment amount meets the conditions;


3. Confirm creation

Finally, click "Confirm Creation" to complete the rule setting of vouchers. After the creation is successful, you will obtain the batch number of the voucher and store it in the "Manage Voucher - Draft Box", which can only be used after activation.


4、 Activate voucher

The vouchers to be activated are stored in the "Manage vouchers - Draft box". Click the "Activate" button at the top right corner of each batch to view the details and activate, and the activated vouchers will be moved to "In Operation". The activated vouchers can be issued within the validity period or before suspension.

Note: Before activation, please ensure that there is enough budget in the account, and only accounts with the permission of "activating marketing activities" can activate vouchers.

5、 Manage vouchers


1. Classified management voucher

In the management voucher, you can query all the vouchers created by the merchant. The management function includes three tabs: "In Operation", "Draft Box" and "Stopped".

  1. ◆ In operation: deposit the unexpired and activated vouchers, which can be issued and written off to users normally. The voucher in operation will enter "stopped" after expiration or suspension;
  2. ◆ Draft box: vouchers that have been successfully created but not yet activated will be stored in the "Draft box", which can be changed into "in operation" after activation, and into "stopped" after termination;
  3. ◆ Stopped: deposit of vouchers that have been terminated, expired and suspended during the validity period;


2. View voucher status

On the voucher management page, you can see the main information of each voucher, including the voucher type, batch number (unique ID), name, validity period, etc. Click "Details" in the upper right corner to query the specific information and more operations of this batch of vouchers.

  1. ◆ Issuing overview: you can see the basic information of vouchers, real-time number of vouchers issued, proportion of vouchers issued and consumption times;
  2. ◆ Details: You can see the specific configuration information of the voucher in;


3. Suspend the issuance of vouchers

"In operation" vouchers can be suspended by clicking "Suspend Activity" in "Consumption Overview", and the suspended vouchers will enter "Stopped". The vouchers that have been issued are still valid, but cannot be issued to other users. The vouchers that are suspended but still within the validity period can be restarted in "Stopped - Details of vouchers".


4. Distribution and consumption records

Both "in operation" and "stopped" voucher batches can query the user's collection records in real time, or download consumption details, including the following:

  1. ◆ User collection record: OpenID, batch ID, discount ID, type, face value, collection time (MM/DD/YYYY, HH/MM), coupon issuing merchant number, validity period, coupon status, order amount.;
  2. ◆ Activity consumption records: batch ID, discount ID, discount type, discount amount, total order amount, transaction type, payment order number, consumption time, consumption merchant number, equipment number;


5、 Issue vouchers

"In operation" vouchers can be issued in three ways: QR code, marketing rules and advanced interface. The user has received the voucher once it is issued successfully. After collecting, the user will receive a notice of successful collection sent by the WeChat payment public account.


1. QR code issuing


Click "View distribution method" in "Distribution overview" of the voucher to download the QR code of the voucher. Each batch of vouchers corresponds to a unique QR code. This QR code is valid within the validity period of the voucher. After scanning the QR code, the user can immediately get a voucher of this batch. If the batch has reached the upper limit of distribution or the available balance is insufficient (stopping distribution only involves recharge coupons), it will prompt that the activity has ended.


2. Issuance of vouchers for marketing activities

The WeChat payment merchant platform also provides a "marketing activity" tool, which enables users to actively issue a designated voucher to the merchant or designated merchant after they have paid a certain amount of money (see "full payment" for details Marketing Campaign Document )。


3. Advanced interface of voucher

The voucher system provides a series of OpenAPI interfaces to merchants with development capabilities. These interfaces can be used to issue vouchers to designated users. This interface capability can be packaged as raffle, attention giving, participation in game giving and other operational activities. At the same time, the WeChat payment voucher system provides a voucher status query interface, which can query the detailed status of a batch of vouchers or the status of vouchers received by a user in real time (refer to Voucher interface document )。


6、 User touch

Users who collect vouchers by scanning the code will receive a message from the WeChat payment public account. Click the message to view the details of the voucher. If the voucher has enabled the card package function, the user can add the voucher to the card package. If users do not follow the "WeChat payment" public account, they will not be able to receive the push notification message, but will not affect the use of the voucher.