Website access

Web Connect

The microblog open platform encapsulates the microblog login button, follow button, share button and other components that can be directly deployed on any website, which reduces the threshold for new user registration for developers, while realizing the zero cost introduction of social relations and the rapid spread of high-quality content.

Weibo login

  • Weibo login

    Use your microblog account to visit your website, share content, and synchronize information. Bring in active users of microblog, and increase the number of users and visits of the website.

  • JS-SDK

    Customize and develop exclusive Weibo social components through the official Weibo JS-SDK.

  • Procedure

    • Step 1
      Add your website address and verify ownership.
    • Step 2
      Deploy micro connectivity products
    • Step 3
      After developing your application, submit it for approval through the "My Application" page
    • Step 4
      Website approved, access completed

    Success stories

    Caijing has deep cooperation with Weibo, integrating functions with Weibo in user login, user sharing, and news body page. Weibo provides statistical tools. Users click on the content of the list and jump to the main news page of Caijing. com to increase the second click and user stickiness.