
The health effects assessments conducted by NTP provide federal,state,and local health regulatory and research agencies with the critical information they need to identify emerging public health issues,conduct formal risk assessments,and focus research where it can be most impactful。

Cancer Health Effects



NTP conducts assessments to identify cancer hazards for the Report on Carcinogens(RoC)。This report is a congressionally-mandated document that provides a cumulative list of known or reasonably anticipated human carcinogens。The cancer hazard assessments communicated in the RoC are rigorous scientific evaluations of cancer and other relevant studies。


管径和cancer chemotherapy during pregnancy monographs from NTP’s Office of Health Assessment and Translation

NTP conducts evaluations of substances to assess the evidence that exposure causes adverse health effects。Depending on the assessment goals and the available evidence,these evaluations may result in hazard conclusions。They may also characterize the evidence in state-of-the science documents,scoping reviews,or interactive evidence maps。产品规格说明monographs单击功能区上,往复式出口,and peer-reviewed journal publications。