The flood in Henan is urgent, and the public welfare organizations rush to the front line to fight the flood hand in hand!

Since July 17, Henan has experienced extreme heavy rainfall, heavy rain in the central and northwest, heavy rain in some areas of Zhengzhou, Jiaozuo, Xinxiang, Luoyang, Xuchang, Pingdingshan and other places, and severe floods in many places. The National Flood Control Headquarters has launched a Level III emergency response for flood control.

Henan is in urgent need of public welfare organizations all over the country!

Tencent public welfare platform has set up a special section of "Rescue Henan Flood" on the home page to open up channels for the love donations of netizens across the country and provide solid guarantee for Henan flood fighting and rescue.

Tencent Charity Foundation urgently announced its first donation of 100 million yuan, which will be used to safeguard the personal safety of local people and urgently purchase disaster relief materials together with rescue agencies and charity organizations at the front line;

Xiamen Dawn Rescue Team, a partner of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation's humanitarian relief network, urgently convened the National Dawn Rescue Alliance, and called 11 teams and 76 rescue teams to Zhengzhou, Henan Province;

Beijing Pinglan Public Welfare Fund launched emergency response as soon as possible, and the partner Yichuan Divine Eagle Rescue Team rushed to the front line of disaster areas in Gongyi County to carry out rescue work as soon as possible;

Ichuan Eagle Rescue Team in Gongyi County Disaster Area

Ichuan Eagle Rescue Team in Gongyi County Disaster Area

Ichuan Eagle Rescue Team in Gongyi County Disaster Area

The One Foundation emergency rescue project mobilized rescue teams in Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi and other places to carry out rescue work in Henan on July 21.

Emergency Response of Seven Rescue Teams in Shandong Province of One Foundation Emergency Rescue Project

On July 20, One Foundation has launched emergency response

Zhuoming Disaster Information Service Center launched the registration of rescue help information, volunteer registration, and release of disaster news to make the disaster rescue information more rapid and transparent.

The Pain Challenge Foundation specially opened the "Henan Flood Rare Disease Family Assistance Channel" to face the disaster together with Henan rare disease families. If you or your side has Rare disease family Therefore, if you have any difficulties, material needs, and medical needs during the disaster, you can fill in the demand form link: Through feedback, the Pain Challenge Foundation will comprehensively assess the needs and coordinate all parties to help within their capabilities.

In addition, as of the morning of July 21, Shenzhen One Foundation Public Welfare Foundation, China Red Cross Foundation, Aide Foundation, China Social Welfare Foundation, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, Beijing Red Cross Foundation, Sichuan Red Cross Foundation, China Social Assistance Foundation, Wuxi Lingshan Charity Foundation, Henan Red Cross Foundation, Henan Charity Federation More than ten public funds, including Beijing Zhong'an Public Welfare Foundation and Jiangxi Red Cross Foundation, launched flood prevention and disaster relief related public welfare projects on Tencent public welfare platform.

Come to Henan together!

Click the hyperlink to help Henan flood control and rescue operations!