Redeem your gift membership

Congratulations! On this page you can redeem a gift membership, with the unique code obtained via thegift a membershippage.Your membership does not begin until the code is redeemed.

With this membership, you'll be joining a vibrant movement for software freedom and helping us to amplify the free software message everywhere. Each new member exponentially increases our reach and our ability to make change.

Membership starts as soon as you redeem your code here. As an associate member you will have access to all theFSF member benefits.

Have a question? Please let us know

$USD 1.00
Any extra donation helps the FSF fight for user freedom. Thank you!
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an accountplease logininstead.
No thanks, I want 100% of my membership dues to go to support the Foundation's work.
No thanks, I want 100% of my membership dues to go to support the Foundation's work.
A creditcard-sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
A creditcard-sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
A creditcard-sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
A creditcard-sized bootable USB membership card running Trisquel (with source code, of course!)
You must contribute at least $USD 0.00 to get this item
An ultra slim, credit-card-sized, 16GB card loaded with Trisquel Live, a fully free GNU/Linux distribution. The card sports an incredibly sturdy and durable double-sided USB connector and fits in a wallet, so you can take it anywhere — sharing GNU/Linux on the go! Please note that the bootable membership cards are cost effective only if we print and send them out in batches. Cards go out once every month. Thanks in advance for your patience!

Account registration

This account will enable you to access several FSF resources, such as the Free Software Directory,, the member forum, and other member benefits.

Enter an email address. This is necessary in case the password is lost.We respect your privacy, and will not give the address away to any third parties or expose it anywhere.

Additional information:

Free Software Supporter
This is the Free Software Foundation's primary mailing list. Subscribers receive a monthly newsletter called the Free Software Supporter, which includes news about FSF activities over that month, as well as other news from around the free software world.
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