Chenfeng QQ robot

Chenfeng qq robot has realized the automatic extraction and automatic reply of chatting with qq friends, qq group messages, and qq group private chat. In addition to the powerful self-learning function, it also has rich group management functions, which can perfectly link website data, and send broadcast notices to the group in a timely manner. There are also idioms, intelligent answers, lucky draw, throwing red envelopes, betting big and small dice, fishing Popular group games such as Wulin hegemony, marriage snatching, etc.
 Chenfeng QQ Robot Happy

Happy explanation

1. It is completely free without authorization, and any QQ login is a registered version.
2. Remove all concealed piles, and all variable functions can be used perfectly.
3. Remove the secondary verification, and there will be no disconnection due to authorization verification.
4. The theory is applicable to all versions of Chenfeng QQ robot.
5. The software is only for learning and exchange, and is forbidden to be used for commercial and illegal purposes.

usage method

Chenfeng QQ Robot official website: Chenfeng QQ robot official website

Special notice

The project has been open source. Open source address: Click here to enter
usage method: Click here to enter

Last modification: March 9, 2022
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