A Review of Japanese Grammar in CET-3

A Review of Japanese Grammar in CET-3
2) ~ は ~ ほど ~ くない/ではない
The auxiliary word ほどどほどどほどど is used to express the state and nature of a certain case. The negative form of an adjective or adjective
Sentence pattern indicating the comparison between A and B
A or B
5) ~ (center) で は, He が い ち ば ん ~ で す か
In the~, which is the most~

¡« and ¡« and ¡«, which/where/when/the kind, the most ¡«
It means to perform another action after one action is completed, or to perform a certain action later
Indicates reverse connection
Although~but~, but~
Indicates the speaker's conjecture
Nominalize an adjective or adjective verb
1 Ω type
Express that it is over, or express regret that the accident is irretrievable
It's over, it's gone, it's gone
23) ~ おくく~ In advance, let it ~
(1) It means that you are ready to travel in advance.
(2) The latter means to continue to maintain a certain state, and prepare to complete the necessary actions for the next use of the surface.
(3) Let it go and leave it alone.
It means to ask the other party to do something for me or us
Expression of concession
Even though ~ also ~
30) どんなに~ても(でも)
It means that no matter what the situation, the result will be the same
No matter what
It means that no matter what the situation, the result will be the same
Indicates the start of the action
Start up
43) Normal shape+し
1. It indicates the phenomenon after enumerating several things
That is
2. It refers to enumerating the post conditions of several facts that constitute the reason of the latter item
¡« and ¡«, i.e. ¡« and ¡«
Feel ¡«, feel ¡«
It looks like
Means selected, and the selected object is followed by "に"
Let's go

Indicates that an action or behavior is about to take place
About to~
Indicates that the action is in progress
Is ~
It indicates that the action has just ended
Just to finish
Indicates that the result is unexpected
Indicates a sudden change of topic
But~, yes~
After times
Then~, and~
It means promotion, that is, in the case of the former item, the latter item is added
Indicates one of the two
Is it ~ or ~
Indicate the reason for the preceding item and describe the result of the following item
It indicates that even in the case of the previous item, the result of the next item still appears
Although the first item is like this, the second item appears, with a tone of dissatisfaction, complaining, etc
Like [や], it indicates partial enumeration or juxtaposition, but [と か] can be followed by the final noun
For example, the local day, the local day, the local day, the local day, the local day, the local day, the local day, the local day, and the local day.
Indicates the speaker's subjective decision
Decision ~
Represent others or objective decisions
Determine ~, result ~, specify ~
The preceding sentence indicates a premise or state
Not ~ but ~
Indicate parallel or reason
Not ~ but ~, not ~ but ~
Indicates that the next item occurs repeatedly at a certain time interval
Every ~
1. Indicates the quantity fixed repeatedly
Each ~
2. Same average distribution
Each ~, each ~
1. It refers to uncertain judgment, which is used to judge according to feeling and belongs to direct sense judgment
It seems that~
2. Figurative expression
3. Denotes enumeration
For ~
Denotes enumeration
64) ~ よになりりしたた has begun to change ~ (the verb is in the form of a dictionary)
It indicates that there has been no change or change in the situation before
For example, in Japanese, the Japanese language is used to talk about people.
65) Lexicon+よに
な い shape+よ moose に, strive for ¡«, for ¡«, hope ¡«
It means to work hard to reach the goal in front of the trout (voluntary action)
For example, in Japanese, you can talk about your life and make a living.
66) ~ よににに
The content of advice, suggestion or message
It indicates that a certain action or behavior is about to be performed
At the beginning of
For example,~
Indicates one of the two
~ or ~
75) MADA+Affirmative Return, Still
The semaphore data is not equal to the semaphore data.
76) Ma Da - いせん has not yet
It means that the action is not over and nothing has happened
A: In the day, the moo eats the manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga manga.
B: いいえ, MADA べいせん.
7 Intentional+とっいすす~
It means that the speaker has made up his mind before speaking, and it still has this meaning. It is different from "~ といすす",
"~ といす" is the speaker's will when speaking
(1) Today, I want to buy things, do things, think about things, and think about things. I want to go shopping now (thought or will at that time)
(2) Today, on the first day of the sun, we can see the pictures of Youda, see the lines, read the words, think about the things, and see the people. (This idea has already existed before speaking)
81) A は B と means で A means B
For example, "りがととは" でで "Thank you" いす means です in Chinese.
はどどいい ですか means ですか.
82) ~ くれ +とっいした
Common shape+と words っ い ma し た
The speaker conveys to the listener what the third person said
A さんはにに Japanese へくとっっいした.
83) Bing: echoing the affirmative form, it means that something is guaranteed to be established
84)た + とおりに
The noun と お り に is like~
For example: today's private group
There are many different types of equipment.
86) (Section 1) τ shape+(Section 2)
(Section 1) ない shape+ないで+(Section 2)
Section 1 is an adverb 7 text section that modifies the predicate, that is, section 2, and represents the action and state attached to the main action referred to by the predicate. That is, section 1 describes the state under which section 2 is carried out. The behavior subjects of section 1 and section 2 are the same
Example: Umbrella hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold.
See を Mechanical を Operation し Ma す.
8 Common past tense+ら, if~, false~
The simple past tense followed by [] indicates that it is assumed that something or action will happen, and under this condition, it indicates the speaker's position, opinion, request, situation, etc
For example, rain falls, travel goes, and travel goes.
89) Lexicon+よにしくさい さい
ない〤にしくさい Please
It is used to request to repeat the action habitually, and request to continue working hard not to engage in the action. It cannot be used for actions limited to the time
For example: sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep.
90) Noun 1 (person) は Noun 2 (person) に+passive verb
This sentence pattern is used in the following situations: Noun 1 has done some behavior to Noun 2, and the behavior is captured and understood from the position of Noun 1 who accepted the behavior
For example, the head of the private section questions the teacher.
91) Noun 1 (person) は Noun 2 (person) に Noun 3 (thing) を Passive verb
Noun 2 does something to noun 3, the property of noun 1. In many cases, noun 1 feels that it is a trouble
For example, the color of a person is red.
92) "に" for ratio
For example, 1500 cars a day produce さ れ い す す す す す す に が が さ れ い す.
In a week, I can barely spend three hours.

96) (verb/い adjective) common form+を っ い す っ い ma す
(the common form of adjectives and nouns)
For example: センーくでで〮ったたっ〮っいすかか.
If the subject represented by "は" is inserted into this sentence pattern, it is represented by "が"
For example: Mumura marriage.
97) Noun で
The auxiliary word "で" sometimes indicates the cause. At this time, most nouns used are those that have the power to cause some kind of result, such as "accident", "earthquake", "fire", etc
For example, the accident occurred when the tram stopped.
Snow Shinkansen.
9 (verb/い adjective) common form+で
(the common form of adjectives and nouns) (~da →~な)+で
Like "からららかららからからからからからからかららかららからからら "かららららららららでででででででで can be said to be an expression way of objectively describing the causal relationship as a natural process. It is often used for reasons when seeking permission and softly stating excuses
For example: Kefen 𞋾いでで, first にっっいいですか.
99) Genetics
Keqi: used when people feel happy when they are stimulated by external things
Kefen がいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいがががが123
100) (verb/い adjective) common form+か
(common form of adjectives and nouns) (remove da)+か
This sentence pattern is used when you insert a question sentence containing an interrogative word into a sentence
For example: When will the meeting end.
In the case of the middle body, you can see what you are doing, and adjust your body.

102) ~さ
By changing the suffix of the adjective "~ い" into "~ さ", we can turn it into an abstract noun expressing its nature and state
For example, Mount Fuji is high and 3000.

104) Lexicon+ために
Noun+た め に for
(1) Indicate the purpose
For example: meetings, materials, preparation, etc.
You can buy, you can buy, you can buy, you can buy, you can buy, you can buy, and you can buy.
(2) "~ よににに" is also used to express purpose, but in the case of "~ よににに", the verb containing will is not used, while "~ ために" can use the verb containing will
For example, the horse can buy the horse, the horse can buy the horse, and the horse can buy the horse.
You can buy you, you can buy you, you can buy you, you can buy you, you can buy you, you can buy you, you can buy you, and you can buy you.
105) Verb "ma"+"ou"
い adjective (い removed)+そです
(1) The occasion connected with the verb is used to visually discover that a certain phenomenon is about to happen and say, and to emphasize the upcoming state, use the adverb "Jindangmo"
For example, today's rain is falling.
The shed, the load, the floor, the roof, the roof, the roof, the roof, the roof, the roof, the roof, the roof, the roof and the roof.
(2) On the occasion of connecting with い adjective and な adjective, it means that it is not actually confirmed, but looks like this from the outside
Example: こはおいしそですす.
106) ~ すす
It means to go somewhere, do something and come back again
For example:.
107) Verb "ma"+"ma"
な adjective+す ぎ ma す~excessive
It indicates that the action and state and degree exceed the limit, and is generally used when the state does not conform to the wishes
For example: ゆべおをみすぎすすすす wine をみす drink ぎす horse す.
こかばんはきすぎす ma す.

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