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And pageSwitch.js Difference of
The applicable scenario of pageSwitch.js is full screen switching, that is, all screens are one screen. On this basis, more than 100 switching effects have been achieved. TouchSlider.js, on the other hand, focuses on the sliding effect. It not only supports full screen switching, but also supports slide switching without fixed size.
Please refer to the examples provided by each component for specific use.

Tips: v2 is a refactoring version, which improves code quality and optimizes performance. The parameter format has been adjusted. If it is updated by an old version, pay attention to modifying the called parameters.

Can't slide?

The latest version of Chrome implements the pointer event. PageSwitch will give priority to the pointer event, but it will conflict with the system touch scrolling. To solve this problem, you can set the scroll container touch-action Style to fix.

 .my-slider-container { touch-action : pan-y ; // When rolling horizontally or
     touch-action : pan-x ; // When sliding longitudinally }


 npm install touchslider

How to use

 //If you use a build tool such as webpack, requirejs, or browserify, you can do this:
 var  TouchSlider  =  require ( 'touchslider' ) ;

 //You can also download this file directly and import it directly on the page

 var  ts  =  new  TouchSlider ( 'container id' ,  {
     duration : six hundred ,  //Int page transition time
     direction : one ,  //Int page switching direction, 0 horizontal, 1 vertical
     start : zero ,  //Int default display page
     align : 'center' ,  //String alignment, left (top) center (middle) right (bottom)
     mouse : true ,  //Bool Enable Mouse Drag
     mousewheel : false ,  //Bool Enable Mouse Wheel Switching
     arrowkey : false ,  //Whether bool enables keyboard direction switching
     fullsize : true ,  //Whether bool is a full screen slide (false means free size slide)
     autoplay : true ,  //Whether bool automatically plays slide show
     interval : int  //Bool Slide Play Interval
 } ) ;

 //Call method
 ts . prev ( ) ;  //Previous
 ts . next ( ) ;  //Next
 ts . slide ( n ) ;  //Sheet n

 ts . play ( ) ;  //Play Slide
 ts . pause ( ) ;  //Pause Slide

 ts . prepend ( DOM_NODE ) ;  //Front added page
 ts . append ( DOM_NODE ) ;  //Additional page
 ts . insertBefore ( DOM_NODE ,  index ) ;  //Add before index
 ts . insertAfter ( DOM_NODE ,  index ) ;  //Add after index
 ts . remove ( index ) ;  //Delete page index
 ts . isStatic ( ) ;  //Static state or not

 ts . destroy ( ) ;  //Destroy TouchSlider Effect Object

 /*Event Binding
 *Optional values of event:
 *Before page switching
 *After page switching
 *DragStart starts dragging
 *DragMove dragging
 *DragEnd End Drag
 ts . on ( event ,  callback ) ;


Compatible with all platforms, including IE6+

Demo address

Please click


TouchSlider is a lightweight javascript component designed to provide a slide slide effect that can easily realize the full platform (PC and mobile terminal touch interface).







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