The interview training camp of JAVA Internet Factory in the direction of JAVA distributed architecture The interview training camp adapts to advanced interview courses for architects

 The interview training camp of JAVA Internet Factory in the direction of JAVA distributed architecture The interview training camp adapts to advanced interview courses for architects

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001. Interview requirements for Internet manufacturers: technical breadth, technical depth, system design, project experience
002. How far are you from a successful interview?
003, Course description
004. Assignment: do system analysis. What's the difference between your own quotation and that of a big factory?
005. Feel more than ten interviews of BAT interviewers on distributed technology!
006. Dubbo used by your company? Then I will talk more about the core architecture principles of Spring Cloud.
007. Build an e-commerce system based on Dubbo and Spring Cloud for quick experience!
008. Assignment: What kind of service framework does your system use? Why did you choose this technology?
009. Have you seen the source code of Dubbo? Talk about the underlying architecture principle of Dubbo.
010. Let's discuss the underlying network communication mechanism of Dubbo in depth!
011. From the perspective of architecture design, how can the Dubbo framework ensure high scalability?
012. Job: Draw Dubbo infrastructure diagram independently
013. If you are asked to design an RPC framework, how do you design network communication, proxy mechanism and load balancing?
014. In addition to using, have you studied the underlying architecture principles of Spring Cloud?
015. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of Dubbo and Spring Cloud from the perspective of underlying implementation principles!
016. Assignment: Draw the architecture diagram and RPC framework design diagram of Spring Cloud independently!
017. Interviewer: Did your service registration center conduct a selection survey? Compare various service registries!
018. Draw a picture to explain the deployment architecture of your service registry, and how to ensure high availability in the production environment?
019. Does your system experience slow service discovery? How to optimize the solution?
020. Assignment: Tell us about the technical selection of your company's service registration center. How to optimize in the production environment?
021. How to consider the technology selection of gateway? Can you compare the advantages and disadvantages of various gateway technologies?
022. How to realize dynamic routing from gateway to service in production environment?
023. If the gateway needs to resist 100000 high concurrent accesses per second, how should we optimize the production of the gateway?
024. Assignment: How does your company select gateway technology and optimize the scenario with high concurrency?
025. If tens of thousands of service instances need to be deployed, can the existing service registry resist? How to optimize?
026. How to realize gateway based grayscale publishing? Tell me about your grayscale publishing scheme.
027. Tell me about the process of your service from development to online, service registration, gateway routing, and service invocation!
028. Assignment: see whether your company's service registry can support the large-scale scenario of tens of thousands of service instances.
029. Draw the overall architecture of the system and discuss how various services are deployed in the production environment.
030. How many times do you visit your system every day? What is the QPS of each service peak? Have you tested the maximum service QPS?
031. If the system accesses 10 times more than it does now, have you considered the system expansion plan?
032. Operation: independently draw the production deployment architecture diagram of your own system, and sort out the QPS and expansion plan of the system and services
033. How to configure timeout and retry parameters for services in the production environment? Why is it configured like this?
034. If the service request is retried, will there be a similar problem of repeated orders?
035. How do you design the anti repetition idempotence of the core interface? How to prevent repeated orders?
036. Assignment: Check whether the core interface of your system has idempotent scheme? If not, how should it be designed?
037. Draw the core of your e-commerce system transaction Link diagram, talk about what problems exist under the distributed architecture.
038. How do you design a distributed transaction technology scheme for the core transaction link of e-commerce?
039. How do you make technical choices for TCC transactions and final consistent transactions? How to investigate?
040. Work: Is there any transaction problem in your company's core links? How to study and select a distributed transaction scheme?
041. Develop TCC distributed transaction solutions for transaction links in the built e-commerce system
042. Can you talk about the core architecture principles of TCC distributed transaction framework?
043. What is the performance bottleneck of the existing TCC transaction scheme? Can it support high concurrency transaction scenarios? How to optimize?
044. Work: If TCC transactions are implemented for their own core system links, how should they be implemented?
045. Do you know the underlying implementation principle of RocketMQ supporting distributed transactions?
046. How to develop an e-commerce system based on the RocketMQ final consistency transaction?
047. If the company does not have RocketMQ middleware, how can it implement the final consistent transaction?
048. Assignment: If the final consistency transaction falls on its own system, how can it be implemented?
049. Which business scenario in the production system needs distributed locks? Why use it?
050. Which open source framework do you use to implement Redis distributed locks? Can you talk about its core principle?
051. If Redis is deployed in a cluster, is the distributed lock still valid when the cluster fails?
052. Job: organize the production problem solution of Redis distributed locks by yourself!
053. If you want to implement the ZooKeeper distributed lock, which open source framework is usually used? What are the core principles?
054. How should the implementation of distributed locks be optimized for ZooKeeper's herd effect?
055. If ZooKeeper's brain is cracked, how should distributed locks ensure robustness?
056. Assignment: Self organize the production problem solution of ZooKeeper distributed lock!
057. In the constructed e-commerce system, develop distributed locks to ensure accurate inventory data
058. Have you optimized distributed locks for excessive concurrency? Can you resist tens of thousands of concurrency per second?
059, Taobao and JD How is COM inventory realized? Can high concurrent inventory updates be achieved without distributed locks?
060. Job: In a high concurrency scenario, how should I optimize my system's distributed locks?
061. Internet Java Engineer Interview Surprise Summary of the First Two Quarters and Planning Outlook for the Next Quarter

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