The latest version of Cimoc maintained by feilongfl: v1.5.3 (August 2020) has been transferred to Blueplay Cloud
Current latest version of Cimoc maintained by Haleydu: v1.6.2 (August 2020)

You can also try the new software recommended by @ feilongfl. Its source is updated quickly, and you are not afraid of frequent parsing failures. There are many choices. I'm afraid there's no place to read comics! Detail stamp here: Tachiyomi
You can also try a recently released comic reader, which has many sources! Degenerator

After having tea at the Animation House, I found that many comics were gone these days, many of them could not be opened, and I could not leave a message. I felt that it was almost over. It may be that Android's best comic app is over. It feels like the next Buka comic is coming to an end.. Do you really want to use those Li Pi Li (Bi Li Bi Li Comics)?

I saw Dalao on Island A before @Arachnid-27 We created a cartoon app called Cimoc, which was originally used by the author to read cartoons. It was very simple at that time, but the islanders enthusiastically put forward various suggestions, improved the software step by step, and finally became a simple, easy to use, resource rich, and humanized cartoon reading software. However, the po abandoned the pit for personal reasons and has been out of maintenance for a long time. Now many sources can't see it.

But to my surprise, there are other Dalao who insist on maintenance, such as feilongfl and Haleydu, and have added several sources to the software. The resources are much better! Now I can see it again!

Application Introduction

Android platform online comic reader
Online manga reader based on Android
In short, it is an app that gathers the source of domestic mainstream popular comic websites.

Function Introduction

  • Page Reader
  • Scroll Reader
  • Check Manga For Update
  • Download Manga
  • Local Reader
  • Local Backup
  • There is more (maintenance has stopped, there is no more, cry)

Support website

The map source will be updated constantly. If you find a favorite comic website, you can submit your own comic source on github.


No advertisement, simple, the software runs very smoothly!


  • The map source will collapse at any time
  • The richness of resources depends entirely on the fact that there are no cartoon stations, so there are still no cartoons
  • Reading habits cannot be set quickly in the comic book interface
  • Because the original author abandoned the pit and no one maintained it, the software may have compatibility problems under the Android version in 2019.
  • Unable to update automatically. You have to go to github to check whether the author has updated


 I don't know how to download it on Github
I don't know how to download it on Github

Cimoc maintained by feilongfl: feilongfl

Cimoc maintained by Haleydu: Haleydu (The newly discovered Dalao is updated frequently)

Lanzuo Cloud for domestic users Password: 90f0

Original author Arachnid-27: Arachnid-27