Gathering magnetic force API

The elegant BT seed magnetic link search interface makes magnetic link search easier.

How to use the search API interface

Use the Search API to find the seed file magnetic link

Request method: get/post
Request address:
Return format: json
Request example:

Request parameters searched using the Search API

name Required type explain
u yes string Key KEY of the requested search
s yes string Search engine requesting search
q yes string Key words requested for search
p no int The number of pages requested to search is 1 by default

Return parameters found using the Search API

name type explain
code int The returned status code 200/300 succeeds/fails
msg string Prompt information returned
data string Magnetic link data returned
curPage int Return the current page
pageCount int Return to the next page/total pages
debug int Error status code returned
exec_time string Request time returned

Return example of search using the Search API

 { "code":"200", "Msg": "Request succeeded!", "data":[ { "title":"Nelsen R. Math Made Visual. Creating Images...2006", "time":"2022-06-04", "size":"8.27MB", "magnet":"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b4fe8d45b22bc2269a036cc1533b01f52c2d7ec" }, { "title":"Making Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles - Creating Heirlooms From Photos And Other Favorite Images", "time":"2022-05-17", "size":"18.51MB", "magnet":"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a5cfa15f75e8398d69738211440e3885eddf667b" } ], "curPage":1, "pageCount":2, "debug":"", "exec_time":"0.123772" }