Yandex email (account) registration verification code prompt error

Mystery operation: When registering, the domestic phone number could not receive verification, and then use the verification code to register, but the verification code was incorrectly entered. Then there is no way but to be rich and strong, to refresh the verification code crazily, to find the one that is full of numbers, and to succeed. The shortcut is to "forget the password" directly, use the email to receive the verification link, and then register through the verification link

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Is 1M broadband enough for ordinary blogs

Answer: How large is the daily browsing volume of 1M bandwidth? 1IP~3000IP。 How many people can browse online at the same time with 1M broadband? About ten people. Basic unit table of data storage Common storage unit of computer: small unit Chinese name of large unit 8 bit1 Byte One byte 1024 B1 KB (KiloByte) Kilobyte 1024 KB1 MB (MegaByte) Megabyte 1024 MB1 GB (GigaByte) Gigabyte 1024 GB1 TB (TeraByte) Terabyte (usually read ti)

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Android phone controls Win computer under intranet

Specific operating steps WIN side: Win System Remote Desktop Enable Remote Desktop Windows Home Edition does not have this function Android side: Download and install RD Client error code 0x204 This is 3389 Remote link does not open 0x207 When Win setting, remove the check from Remote Desktop Advanced option

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Free SSL certificate application

On a whim (in fact, looking at someone else's http with envy), I registered a domain name certificate and found several ways to obtain a certificate for free. Tencent (DNSPOD) domain names apply for free in my domain name - records management. If you click the SSL icon, you can apply for a year's SSL certificate for free. This is where we applied. The next KeyManager will be ready in a moment. I haven't tried this, but it seems to be OK. Clou

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