Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

Qinglong panel It is a multi-functional visual panel, and what Moto shares with you today is to use the Qinglong panel to automatically execute Jingdong Lingjingdou , do Dongdong Farm Task sign in watering Free fruit Jingxi Pasture Raising chickens to collect eggs, Jingdong Super Speed Gold Coin Jingdong earns gold coins , Dongdongmeng pet feeding. At the same time, you can automatically receive JD Red Packet, Jingxi Red Packet, and JD Super Speed Red Packet

Install Qinglong panel

Connect to the server through SSH and install Docker Environment.

 curl -fsSL  https://get.docker.com  | bash -s docker --mirror Aliyun

Start the Docker (the first line below), and set the Docker to start automatically (the second line below).

 sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker

Directly execute the following code to pull the image:

 docker pull whyour/ qinglong :latest

If you are installing Qinglong image on a NAS like Qunhui, pull the latest version of Qinglong image from the official image list of Dockers, and directly use Dockers to search for the image qinglong OK.

Then deploy the Qinglong panel:

 docker run -dit  -v $PWD/ql/config:/ql/config  -v $PWD/ql/log:/ql/log  -v $PWD/ql/db:/ql/db  -p 5600:5600  --name qinglong  --hostname qinglong  --restart always  whyour/qinglong:latest

Initialize Qinglong panel

After deployment, access directly IP:5600 Access the installation interface of Qinglong panel.

 Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

Start the installation directly and proceed to the next step.

 Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

Here you can set the notification method according to your preference, such as telling you how many Jingdou, gold coins and red envelopes you received today at 22:00 every day... Of course, you can also skip this step directly.

 Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

Setting the administrator account password is the most important step for initializing and installing the Qinglong panel. Of course, if you accidentally forget or do not enter the configuration page for unknown reasons, it does not matter. You can view the account and password by executing the following command through SSH.

 docker exec -it qinglong cat /ql/config/auth.json

Install the Qinglong panel JD script dependency library

After installing the Qinglong panel, deploy the dependency library as soon as possible to adapt to various scripts. Otherwise, there will be many timing task errors, resulting in less Jingdou.


 crypto-js prettytable dotenv jsdom date-fns tough-cookie tslib ws@7.4.3 ts-md5 jsdom -g jieba fs form-data json5 global-agent png-js @types/node require typescript js-base64 axios moment


 requests canvas ping3 jieba PyExecJS aiohttp


 bizCode bizMsg lxm

*If some tasks have special modules that need to be installed, copy the module name in the log, and then add it in dependency management.

Configure Qinglong panel timing task

Qinglong panel itself does not have the function of JD script, but is a visual platform for managing and executing corresponding scripts. In order to enable it to complete the function of fleece, use the Qinglong panel to pull out some libraries, so that it can automatically update some functions.

 Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

JD Timed Task Library

At the bottom, Moto collates some task libraries on GitHub, and automatically pulls and updates wool tasks by adding tasks and setting timing rules.

Will this library be updated? If you need it, you can Comments , will receive Email Reminder

6dylan6/jdpro (collection library) Task timing suggestions 50 7-23/2 * * *


In order to prevent missing some wool, All libraries above Create a new scheduled task pull. There are duplicate disabled scripts in it. The duplicate content will be disabled.

Faker2 booster pool version Starmark 1700+script 300+

 Legacy: ql repo  https://git.metauniverse-cn.com/https://github.com/shufflewzc/faker2.git  "jd_|jx_|gua_|jddj_|jdCookie" "activity|backUp" "^jd[^_]|USER|function|utils|sendNotify|ZooFaker_Necklace.js|JDJRValidator_|sign_graphics_validate|ql|JDSignValidator|magic|depend|h5sts" "main" New edition: https://github.com/shufflewzc/faker2.git

Faker3 Pure Edition Starmark 900+script 300+

 Legacy: ql repo  https://git.metauniverse-cn.com/https://github.com/shufflewzc/faker3.git  "jd_|jx_|gua_|jddj_|jdCookie" "activity|backUp" "^jd[^_]|USER|function|utils|sendNotify|ZooFaker_Necklace.js|JDJRValidator_|sign_graphics_validate|ql|JDSignValidator|magic|depend|h5sts" "main" New edition: https://github.com/shufflewzc/faker3.git

gys619 Starmark 1200+script 300+

 Legacy: ql repo  https://github.com/gys619/Absinthe.git  "jd_|jx_|jddj_|gua_|getJDCookie|wskey" "activity|backUp" "^jd[^_]|USER|utils|ZooFaker_Necklace|JDJRValidator_|sign_graphics_validate|jddj_cookie|function|ql|magic|JDJR|JD" "main" New edition: https://github.com/gys619/Absinthe.git

Akali5 Star 100+script 300+

 Legacy: ql repo  https://github.com/Akali5/jd-depot.git  "jd_|jx_|jddj_|gua_|getJDCookie|wskey" "activity|backUp" "^jd[^_]|USER|utils|ZooFaker_Necklace|JDJRValidator_|sign_graphics_validate|jddj_cookie|function|ql|magic|JDJR|sendNotify|depend|h5|jdspider" New edition: https://github.com/Akali5/jd-depot.git

6dylan6 Starmark 900+script 90+

 Legacy: ql repo  https://github.com/6dylan6/jdpro.git  "jd_|jx_|jddj_" "backUp" "^jd[^_]|USER|JD|function|sendNotify" New edition: https://github.com/6dylan6/jdpro.git

zero205 Starmark 600+script 80+

 Legacy: ql repo  https://github.com/zero205/JD_tencent_scf.git  "jd_|jx_|jdCookie"  "backUp|icon" "^jd[^_]|USER|sendNotify|sign_graphics_validate|JDJR|JDSign|ql" "main" New edition: https://github.com/zero205/JD_tencent_scf.git

CCwav notification enhanced version and CK detection Star 500+

 Legacy: Does not contain sendNotify: ql repo  https://github.com/ccwav/QLScript2.git  "jd_" "NoUsed" "ql|utils|USER_AGENTS|jdCookie|JS_USER_AGENTS" Include sendNotify: ql repo  https://github.com/ccwav/QLScript2.git  "jd_" "NoUsed" "ql|sendNotify|utils|USER_AGENTS|jdCookie|JS_USER_AGENTS" New edition: https://github.com/ccwav/QLScript2.git
 Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

Timing rule

The timing rules here are as follows:

 Seconds, minutes, days, months and weeks

Each unit is separated by a space. Suppose this task needs to be executed once every day at 12:23:45. Then it should be set as follows:

 45 23 12 * * *

After pulling, remember to run it. If it does not run, it will not be automatically executed until you set the time. After running, some scripts executing activities will be automatically pulled out.

 Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

Then open the Qinglong panel and select environment variable Add Variable , named JD_COOKIE , the value is the JD account just copied Cookie , the notes shall be filled in by yourself for easy identification, and others do not need to be moved. Add Back Point determine OK. If you need to add multiple accounts, just get multiple cookies and add them. The name is still JD_COOKIE

 Qinglong panel automatically receives Beijing Tokyo beans to do farm watering, pet sprouting, bean planting, sign in and other tasks

After adding the JD account cookie, you can execute the script. If you can't wait to try, you can trigger the script to run, or it will be executed at the corresponding time.

By the way, you don't need so many cookie values, you just need pt_key And pt_pin Two will do. Those who understand will pick it up by themselves. Those who do not understand will copy and paste it.

Warm reminder: Do not execute frequently and avoid black marks. It is also suggested that JD's account be bound to WeChat. If you draw a WeChat red envelope in a lottery, it will be automatically withdrawn to the WeChat wallet.

Open the JD game task

It is suggested to click all the active games once. For those who need to choose their own products, Jingdong Factory suggests to choose one. Otherwise, it will automatically choose one. Some simply do not choose one. Here are the entrance positions of each game:


  • Money tree: JD APP → My in the lower right corner → More tools in the middle
  • Dongdong Adorable: JD APP → My in the lower right corner
  • Favourite: JD APP → My in the lower right corner
  • Dongdong Farm: JD APP → My in the lower right corner

The first time you download and log in the Surprise APP, you can buy things by mail for 0.01 yuan

  • Jingxi Factory: Surprise APP → My in the lower right corner
  • Jingxi Pasture: Surprise APP → My in the lower right corner
  • Jingxi Fortune Island: Surprise APP → My in the lower right corner

The first time you download and log in to Jingdong Extreme Edition, you can get 5-10 yuan coupons to buy things by mail

  • The big winner of getting rich: Jingdong Speed Edition → My in the lower right corner
  • Wangwang Paradise: Jingdong Super Speed Edition → Mine in the lower right corner

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source: https://imotao.com/8423.html

fabulous (1)
 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
Previous 1:21 p.m. on March 23, 2024
Next 12:17 p.m., March 25, 2024

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