common seventy-five Articles
Solve the problem that Yuanshen downloads slowly overseas
It is really torture to play the original god of the national service overseas. The game download speed is several hundred K, and it takes several days to download the body. This solution is hereby developed.
Spanish Visa Record
After three or four months, I thought that the visa would fail, but I passed. Let's record my mental journey here. I signed it at the Beijing Embassy. I signed a one-year master's study abroad visa. I handed in my own materials throughout the process
R language multiple linear regression
Take a brief look at the introduction of the assignment: Case 1 Multiple linear regression Activity type: Group delivery date: December 12, 2021 Spanish time deadline 23:59 Maximum length: 20 slides (each team member
Subsequent processing of lost parts of Yuantong Express (full compensation)
Some of the clothes bought on Taobao need to be returned. After going to the post station to send the express, the express was not updated until the customer service contacted me and asked me if the express had lost a piece. Let me ask the express, and then there was a long wait
Add Google Translate to your website
Are websites too lazy to do i18n? It is better to use the resource for the direct Google translation feature, and the mainland region can also use the automatic judgment browser language to support all languages supported by Google translation to hide the style of Google translation, which is more beautiful index.html 1
Create your own service monitoring page
The custom page of UptimeRobot, which has been used for a long time, was charged. I couldn't bear it, so I found the project of uptime status on GitHub, but found that it would expose my API key and domain name, so I made some modifications to the Cloudflare Workers code, which can
 Service Worker Practice
Service Worker Practice
After studying for a day, I can barely use it. However, websites that do not support the use of Pjax, such as this website, cannot cache the content loaded by Pjax. At present, no solution has been found. The Workbox version used at the beginning, but is