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Take advantage of vulnerabilities to draw 360 wifi+iPhone 5s

 thirteen million one hundred and forty thousand nine hundred and forty-seven

Open activity address:

Look at the number of times I draw lottery, 0 times, the following review elements, change: see my operation


First open the browser, press F12 to open the review element

find <div class="worldcop_wrap worldcup_bg">, go down slowly to find<div class="aph25_bg indext_world">

Then down <div class="lucky_conn">, continue to look down and find

 <div class="lottery_conn draw btn"><div class="btnbox ondraw"><a href="javascript:;" title="Immediate Lottery" class="hb_btn hb_btn_1">Immediate Lottery</a><div class="txt">You still have<span class="leftOpp">0</span>times of lottery</div></div></div></div>

Right click Edit as html to change 0 to any number, and then there is a crazy lottery

OK, let's try a lottery. Recommend the Emperor of Character to try, many good prizes!

This bug is that 360 has not set the remaining number of verification tests, so we can crazy brush before 360 changes

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    Write another script for automatic collection

    15:12, July 13, 2014   comment


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