Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution Alipay, China's leading third-party online payment solution


Alipay development tools provide a simple and flexible way to develop and test applications in the sandbox environment. As a developer, you can simplify your integration with tools such as iTest, iDiagnose, iMock, iNotify. Learn how these tools can help your applications go live with minimal effort.


iTest helps developers debug interfaces in the sandbox environment. iTest facilitates online debugging and quickly generates postman scripts. For more information, see iTest instructions .


iDiagnose helps developers locate problems quickly during integration testing, and makes corresponding changes according to the suggestions provided by the system during troubleshooting. iDiagnose q uickly identifies issues and helps to intelligently analyze and solve problems. For more information, see iDiagnose instructions .


iMock provides simulations of different API results and returns the specified response for integration testing. iMock simulates complex and extreme cases and accelerates your integration testing process. For more information, see iMock instructions .


iNotify helps developers simulate the process of receiving and handling asynchronous notifications. For more information, see iNotify instructions .