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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 15, 2018. It is now read-only.


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Sorry, this item is no longer maintained. This project has accompanied me through a very difficult period of time, and I am reluctant to say goodbye.

🚍 ms-bus 🚍

  be based on Avalon2 SPA scaffold beta
Chinese name: Bashi


  1. First install and configure the node environment. Version 6. x is required.

  2. Install the build tool FIS3 globally.

 npm install fis3 -g
  1. Clone the project locally and install the dependent modules
 git clone cd ms-bus npm install
  1. Daily operation items
 npm run dev

directory structure

 -Components//The module that separates the page by function and business +Common header//Naming specification: [business name] - [module name] -Gf user//The user module under the gf business -Gf-user.html//The page structure of the module -Gf user. js//The business logic of the module -Gf-user.css//The presentation style of the module +Mock//Simulate the data of back-end services +Pages//The complete HTML page except index.html is used for multi page applications -Services//The business logic module of the detached page -AjaxService.js//Encapsulates ajax methods, normalizes the format of request parameters and response data, and displays prompt information according to the response results -ConfigService.js//The applied configuration item can be dynamically replaced during construction -FilterService.js//Customized Avalon2 filter -MenuService.js//Function menu logic, permission filtering -RouterService.js//Route configuration -StoreService.js//Data services, including backend data interaction and global state management -Static//Non commonjs modular resources - mod.js -Typing//If TS is used and necessary, this directory exists - index.d.ts +Vendor//modules that cannot be installed through npm -Index.html//Application main page -Index.js//Application startup, including polyfill/necessary dependencies/root VM/route startup

Browser support

Modern browser, IE8 and above


Good and sexy online Mock platform - Easy Mock Provide analog data support