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Mashiro edited this page May 4, 2019 · 8 revisions

In the theme of the new version, we have constructed an illustration label:

! {alt}(url)[th_url] perhaps ! {alt}(url)

Alt: picture title; Url: original image link; Th_url: thumbnail link. When the thumbnail link is specified, the thumbnail will be displayed first on the page, and click to view the original image.

One example 🌰:

 ! {image 1}( )[ ] ! {image 2}( )

**Note: * * This is not the standard Markdown syntax. If you care about this for the future compatibility of the article, you can use the standard html tag defined by fancybox instead:

 < a  data-fancybox =" gallery " href =" big_1.jpg " > < img  src =" small_1.jpg " > </ a >
 < a  data-fancybox =" gallery " href =" big_2.jpg " > < img  src =" small_2.jpg " > </ a >

If you are updating from version 3.1.0 and below, you should remember that I reserved a preview #old method:

Sorry, but in version 3.1.1, I used the preview plug-in baguetteBox.js Replace with fancybox , original [! [Picture Title] (../example. th. png)] (../example. png) The writing method is very inconvenient to use under the fancybox, so the decision to give up the above method can only be made. For using the original [! [Picture Title] (../example. th. png)] (../example. png) There are two solutions for writing pictures: ① modify the original labels one by one; ② The background interface provides an option of whether to enable baguetteBox, which is compatible with the original version.