Installing OpenSSL under Linux (centos7)

1. Compile GCC yum - y install gcc 2. Get openssl-1.0.2j.tar.gzwget 3. Unzip openssl-1.0.2j.tar.gztar - xzf openssl-1.0.2j.tar.gz 4. Enter openssl-1.0.2jcd openssl-1.0.2

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Centos7 Installing phpmyadmin

The prerequisite is to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS. The first step is to set up a Web server (such as Apache or nginx), install MySQL/MariaDB database and PHP. Depending on your preferences and needs, you can choose between LAMP and LEMP. Install epel first, or the package will not be found when you install pgpmyadmin. yum install epel-release rpm -ivh http://rpms.famillecolle

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MySql error 1010 Unable to delete database

When deleting a database, # 1010 appears... when the database cannot be deleted: 1. Enter sftp, enter the corresponding folder/var/lib/mysql, delete the corresponding database folder, and then orcd/var/lib/mysql//enter the MySql database file storage directory rm - rf basis//Force the deletion of the basis database file

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Svchost.xml and spoolsv.xml blackmail virus detection

C: WindowsSecureBootThemesMicrosoftC: windowsSystem32SecureBootThemes This virus appears to be infected through port 445 and the default share. Therefore, the key to killing this virus is to shut down the network, and then find the process and its directory and its dependent directory. Manual antivirus method: 1. Take advantage of the time consuming feature of program startup, first create an sp in the C: windows System32 SecureBootThemes directory

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Linux network optimization acceleration one button script

Support system: Centos 6+/Debian 8+/Ubuntu 14+. The BBR Magic Edition does not support Debian 8. At the same time, it also adds the Ruisu one key to replace the core, and the Ruisu one key installation, which automatically optimizes the Ruisu parameters according to the vps situation, and optimizes the core parameters with one key. You can also switch freely in Ruisu, BBR, BBR magic revision. One click script wget - N -- no check certificate“

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