Official hotline

Make your products and services reach more than 1 billion users of Baidu

Baidu's full range of product promotion covers the whole scene of user life

Baidu App

6 billion+

Average daily search times

15 billion+

Average daily information flow distribution

China's leading comprehensive content and service platform with information and knowledge as the core, with 677 million monthly active users, 6 billion daily searches and 15 billion daily information flow distribution+

Baidu online disk

800 million


1 hour

Average consumption duration

Baidu Netdisk is a national product, providing stable and secure personal cloud storage services for more than 800 million users, and becoming a leader in personal data services. The average user consumption time is 1 hour
 Baidu online disk
 Baidu online disk

Baidu Maps

500 million+

Cumulative users

180 million

Overwrite POI

Adhering to the brand mission of "technology makes travel easier", Baidu Maps has become the world's leading new generation of AI maps, providing intelligent travel experience for hundreds of millions of users. The number of intelligent voice assistant users has exceeded 500 million, covering 180 million POIs
 Baidu Maps
 Baidu Maps

Good video

110 million+

Daily active users

80 minutes

Per capita usage time of APP

As the flagship brand of Baidu's short video, good-looking video creates a short video knowledge community ecology based on the two-way drive of content and products. Global Daily Life users: 110 million, and the average usage time of independent APP: 80 minutes
 Baidu Maps
 Baidu Maps

Baidu Post Bar

80 million

Global DAU

23 million

Be interested

The world's leading Chinese community, interest and young people are the two vitality of the post bar, and the real content is the trust cornerstone of the post bar, with DAU80 million and interest bar 23 million in the whole region


176 thousand

Auto Creator

270 million

Interested users

Baidu's automobile information and service platform, linked with 176000 automobile creators, provides 270 million automobile interested users with authentic and credible services for watching, buying and using cars, and also provides automobile manufacturers and dealers with efficient solutions to achieve brand effects

Celastrus vine

100 billion+

Average daily advertising flow


Overwrite media

Top traffic alliance penetrates users' 24-hour demand scenarios, with daily average of 100 billion+advertising traffic, covering millions of media+

Baidu Encyclopedia

27 million+

Encyclopedic entry

7.7 million+

User participation in writing

After 17 years of development, Baidu Encyclopedia has 27 million entries, 230 million edits, and 7.7 million users. It is an important portal for netizens to understand the world
 Baidu Encyclopedia
 Baidu Encyclopedia

Baidu Knows

120 million+

Daily active users


Know partners

The world's largest Chinese interactive question and answer platform, with 120 million active users every day, has solved 590 million problems accumulatively, and knows that more than 40000 partner institutions have settled in
 Baidu Knows
 Baidu Knows

How to cope with the new challenges of enterprises in the post epidemic era

Affected by the epidemic, enterprises are facing various customer acquisition problems

Marketing difficulties

  • Limited channels, few customers

    It is difficult to get customers, and the flow is not accurate?

  • Difficulty in enterprise transformation and promotion

    Traditional industries do not understand online marketing, and the effect is difficult to control?

  • Poor network promotion effect

    The market competition is fierce, and the sales volume is difficult to open?

  • High cost of blind launch

    Worried about uncontrollable expenses, afraid of spending unjustified money?


  • Precise drainage

    Let customers actively look for you, and search keywords to display ads accurately, all of them are demand customers

  • Intelligent delivery

    It is easier to launch, helping you achieve all-round advertising and create a marketing closed-loop

  • Home advertising space

    Strong brand exposure, comprehensive promotion through multiple channels, seize the audience's mind and become a priority

  • Pay For Performance

    Effectively control the cost, pay according to the actual effect, and the cost is transparent and clear at a glance

Massive enterprises achieve customer growth through Baidu marketing

Baidu marketing covers all parts of the country, serving all enterprises in the whole industry at all stages

Powered every decision-making path of consumers, Kimuyu assisted Junshen Law Firm in full chain marketing

Tianjin Junshen Law Firm precisely positions different consumers, promotes every decision-making path of consumers, assists Junshen in the whole chain marketing, and improves customer brand image.

  • Lead Cost

  • Click rate

  • Consultation volume

Baidu mobile marketing page CTR increased significantly, and conversion costs fell by more than half

Dongguan Jinbo Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specialized in software development, software customization and software implementation in Dongguan, Guangdong.

  • Click rate

  • Conversion amount

  • Conversion costs

Both crowd splitting and creative strategies have greatly increased the exposure

315 International Consumer Goods (Dalian) Expo has been successfully held for 16 times with accurate positioning, clear objectives, large scale, high grade, large number of people, wide spread, good reputation and good effect.

  • Exposure

  • Click rate

  • Average click price

Join Baidu Marketing and receive 4 benefits for free

New customers enjoy exclusive corporate promotion benefits to make hundreds of millions of Baidu traffic available to you

*The activity is applicable to new customers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Tianjin

  • Value 2999 yuan
    Five promotion tools

    Full chain marketing service
    Accurately target customers

  • Value 1680 yuan
    Number of offline participants

    Marketing Lecture
    8 major cities

  • Value: 1560 yuan
    Professional customer service assistance

    Baidu professional customer service maintenance account operation
    Customized background suggestions

  • Value 1280 yuan
    Enterprise publicity page construction

    Multi form marketing page
    Meet business needs in an all-round way


Personal Information Collection and Privacy Protection Statement

Company name: Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd

We/our company attaches great importance to the protection of user information. Please read this statement carefully before you use our related services (hereinafter referred to as "services") and fill in your personal information on the corresponding pages. Once you actively provide your personal information on the page and submit it, it means that you agree that we collect and use your relevant information in accordance with this statement.

1、 Collection of personal information

1. When we provide services, we may collect the following personal information about you:

The information you provide in the form, smart phone, card coupon collection, customer service tools and other functions involved in using this page, including name, mobile phone number and necessary information involved in using the products/services provided on this page.

Please note that the specific information to be provided may vary according to the different products/services we provide. Please provide relevant personal information according to the products/services shown to you and the corresponding requirements. We will explain the collection and use rules of relevant personal information to you on the product/service page or below.

2. You should note that the above personal information is provided by you voluntarily. You have the right to refuse to provide, but you may not be able to use the corresponding services, functions or achieve the intended effect of the service.

2、 Use of personal information

1. You agree that we can use personal information in the following ways:

(1) We collect your name and mobile number to contact you in time and communicate with you about products or services.

(2) In order to provide better service, when you communicate with us by phone or customer service tool, we will record your mobile number and relevant communication.

(3) If you plan to query, modify, delete or withdraw the personal information you are authorized to submit, or have any questions or complaints about the protection of personal information, you can contact us and we will cooperate as soon as possible.

2. We will strictly protect your personal information security. We will adopt appropriate systems, organizations, security technologies and other measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

3. In order to achieve the above purposes, we may entrust our technical partners (such as call service providers) to provide you with services and let them use them legally, properly and necessarily within the service scope.

3、 Special protection of minors' information

1. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read and agree to this privacy policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using this function.

2. If you are the guardian of a minor under the age of 14, you should read and agree to this privacy policy for your ward before using this function.

4、 Applicable law

This declaration is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

5、 Change

We will amend this statement from time to time, and such amendments will form part of this statement. The company will release the revised statement. In this case, if you continue to use our service, you agree to be bound by the revised statement.


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 Baidu Marketing Industry Information

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Enterprise special offers start to grab exclusive benefits on a first come, first served basis

*Preferential activities are only available to new cooperative customers in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Tianjin

Get corporate benefits immediately and make an appointment with your exclusive consultant

I already know Personal Information Collection and Privacy Protection Statement
The promotion can be started in three simple steps
Confirm the promotion intention -- open an account for you -- open your launch
Monday to Friday: 9:00-22:00
Weekends and holidays: 9:00-18:00
Online consultation