**1. Tools/Materials**

2. Install Apache

  • Installation dependency VC_redist.x64.exe
  • Create a folder in the disk root directory wamp
  • decompression httpd-2.4.26-x64-vc14.zip
  • copy Apache24 Directory to wamp Contents
  • modify wamp/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf configuration file
  • Find line 38 and set Define SRVROOT "/Apache24" Change to the full path of your Apache 24
  • example Define SRVROOT "D:/wamp/Apache24"
  • take wamp/Apache24/bin Add system PATH variable in full path
  • Open cmd input httpd -t Test whether the configuration is correct and output Syntax OK Then the configuration is correct (right click on some operating systems to run cmd as administrator)
  • Enter in cmd httpd -k install Install Apache to system service
  • Here Apache has been configured. You can enter httpd -k start Start Apache service
  • Open browser to access after service startup http://localhost/ perhaps


Httpd Other Command Options

  • Stop Apache httpd - k stop
  • Restart Apache httpd - k restart
  • Uninstall the Apache system service httpd - k uninstall
  • Test configuration syntax httpd - t
  • Display version information httpd - V
  • Command line option list httpd - h
    wamp/Apache24/htdocs As the default site root directory, you can copy static files to this directory for access

3. Configure PHP

Create a new folder php716 under the wamp directory
decompression php-7.1.6-Win32-VC14-x64.zip reach wamp/php716 Contents
take wamp/php716 Full path joining system PATH variable
copy wamp/php716/php.ini-development And renamed to php.ini
Delete line 738; No. and modify extension_dir ="D:/wamp/php716/ext" (Note, please modify according to your actual drive letter)
Delete line 939; No. and modify date.timezone = PRC
Open common extension
search php_gd2.dll And remove the preceding semicolon
search php_mbstring.dll And remove the preceding semicolon
search php_mysqli.dll And remove the preceding semicolon
search php_pdo_mysql.dll And remove the preceding semicolon
search php_openssl.dll And remove the preceding semicolon

4. Let Apache work with PHP

edit wamp/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf
Add Line LoadModule php7_module "D:/wamp/php716/php7apache2_4.dll"
Add Line AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Add Line PHPIniDir "D:/wamp/php716"
Open cmd input httpd -t Test whether the configuration is correct and output Syntax OK The configuration is correct
Restart Apache. At this time, Apache can coordinate the work of PHP. It will send the file with the suffix. php to the PHP interpreter for processing
You can configure AddType application/x-httpd-php .php To set other suffix files
So far, Apache and PHP have been configured. You can create a file containing phpinfo() Function to test whether PHP is successfully configured under Apache.

Example phpinfo.php

 <? php phpinfo(); ?>


5. Install MySql

function [mysql-installer-web-community-][6]

Select the installed version and click the small right green arrow to add it to the installation list. Then select the installation directory and click Next that will do



Click Execute to develop and install (the installation speed depends on the network environment because it needs to download files from the CDN site)


After installation, click Next


All the way to the configuration page






The rest of the way Next Finish Complete installation
take Mysql/bin Full path joining system PATH variable
Open cmd input mysql -uroot -p Press Enter and enter the password to log in to MySql
Here the WAMP local development environment has been completed. If you encounter problems during the installation process, please comment below or contact me by email
All the resources used in this article can be downloaded by visiting owl's Baidu online disk
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHZYSy6 Password: kzcr

Statement: This technical post is transferred from owl The blog of children's shoes, reprinting has been authorized, and the original author reserves all rights.

This tutorial is very detailed. I have also built the local development environment of WAMP on my computer according to the steps, so it is reprinted for friends to browse. It can also be regarded as my study notes. If you have questions, you can leave a message or email. If you have questions, please point out.