The original optica theme is very beautiful, which is the work of ikirby children's shoes in high school. I have to praise its beauty and simplicity on the mobile phone.

However, many friends said that the experience of accessing this theme on the computer side was not very good, and I personally had this feeling. However, I was too fond of this theme, and I was reluctant to change it for a long time. Finally, I saw the plug-in that can automatically switch themes according to the device - * * ThemeSwitch for 0.9++* *.

In this way, you can not only stick to the optica theme on the mobile side, but also choose a theme suitable for the PC side. It's really killing two birds with one stone.

I searched many friends' blogs and finally found Junichi This set of themes is also very refreshing, and immediately changed, and made some detailed modifications.

If you are interested in this plug-in, you can download it.