I am a freshman student in mathematics teachers' college, and I have not yet started teaching design class. I participated in the class B group of the teaching plan design contest.

Although he is a middle school teacher, he has few opportunities to contact the middle school classroom, so he also actively participated in the math game design contest, which is also an accumulation of experience for pupils.
The following is the text of the lesson plan, some of which are for reference.

Get to know Huarong Road for the first time, and solve the five hurdles
1、 Teaching purpose
1. Knowledge and skills: understand the knowledge background of Huarong Road; Understand the game rules of Huarong Road, highlight that the pieces cannot overlap, and no pieces can be crossed; Master the solution of Huarong Road's opening after five passes.
2. Mathematical thinking: In the rich story content, feel the charm of Huarong Taoism, and release the whole process of "Cao Cao" by guiding students to move the plate, so as to achieve the purpose of training students' logical thinking ability and reasoning ability.
3. Problem solving: students can describe the constituent elements of Huarong Road, more accurately summarize the game rules of Huarong Road, and skillfully unlock the layout of the five hurdles to release Cao Cao.
4. Emotional attitude: recognize the close relationship between games and mathematics, and gain successful experience in teaching activities, so that they can build self-confidence and love mathematics and life more.

2、 Teaching focus and difficulty
Teaching focus: feel the historical connotation of Huarong Taoism, cultivate interest in Huarong Taoism, and master the game rules of Huarong Taoism.
Teaching difficulties: Be able to skillfully solve the layout of the five hurdles.

3、 Teaching methods and means
Teaching method: teaching is carried out through the classroom activity mode of story introduction, independent inquiry and communication, and reflective evaluation, focusing on the cultivation of students' independent activity ability, cooperative inquiry ability, and reflective generalization ability.
Teaching means: using modern multimedia information technology means; Combine traditional blackboard writing and physical game props.

4、 Teaching preparation
PPT, Huarong Road Appliance

5、 Teaching process
(1) Teacher: Students, do you know the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
Student: Yes (predicted answer)
Teacher: In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is a very famous battle in history - burning Chibi. Is there any student willing to tell you about this battle in brief?
Prediction of interaction: 1. Students' enthusiasm is not high, and they can be motivated by awarding small prizes.
2. If the students are unclear or redundant after speaking, the teacher will summarize and supplement.
3. No student knows or is unwilling to talk about it.
The story is as follows: Liu Bei and Sun Quan joined forces to resist Cao Cao. Zhou Yu cleverly devised a cruel plan. Zhuge Liang's clever plan was to "tie the boat with iron chains". As a result, Cao Cao was defeated and fled to Huarong Road. Guan Yu was ordered to stop him here. Guan Yu had no sense of righteousness. In order to repay Cao Cao's kindness to him, he risked being executed by the military order and let Cao Cao go in Huarong Road.
Teacher: Students, the story of "Cao Cao lost Huarong Road, Guan Yu's righteous interpretation of Cao Cao" has been praised by later generations, and has also been adapted into scripts, films, etc. What's more interesting is that people invented a famous puzzle game based on this story. Do you want to know this game? This game is called Huarong Road. Next, let's have a deeper understanding of Huarong Road.
(2) Show the courseware as follows (see the PPT for details)
1. Brief introduction of main characters and characters (please read the character introduction)
2. Introduce the position of Huarong Dao: one of the most classic games in China, the three most incredible games in the intelligence game industry. (Also ask students to read the text on the PPT)
3. Pictures of Huarong Road
(After the above presentation) Teacher: How do you feel after reading these little materials, or say what you don't understand. (Continue to motivate through incentives)
(3) Learn about Huarong Road through observation.
Teacher: Open the Huarong Road in front of you and observe carefully.
(After students' observation) The teacher came to ask you a few questions:
1. Count the number of small pieces of wood. (Answer by students)
2. What characters have you found? (Answer by students)
3. Please carefully observe the size of each plate in the "Huarong Road" game equipment with the eyes of researchers, and tell us what you have found? (Students summarize and answer, teachers correct and supplement)
Teacher: The students are really amazing. They have found so many important mathematical problems in the game equipment. I hope you will keep in mind the relationship between the size of these pieces. This will be of great help to our next game
(4) Introduction rules
Teacher: How does Huarong Dao play the game? Which student can briefly introduce its play? (Students introduce the rules of the game)
Teacher: (Communicate the rules of the game) Show the rules on the screen and then communicate. Let's invite a student to read the rules of the game (read: only two empty planes can be used to move, no overlapping pieces are allowed, and no pieces can be crossed. Try to move Cao Cao to the exit with the least number of steps. Only Cao Cao is allowed to go out, and other pieces are not allowed to go out.), You can ask questions about anything you don't understand.
(5) Just now, we have learned the knowledge background of Huarong Taoism and the game rules of Huarong Taoism. What are we waiting for? Let's challenge one of the three mysteries in the intellectual world. Huarong Road is changeable, but there are also rules to follow. Next, the teacher will lead you to experience one of the classic layouts, which is called "Guo Wu Guan". Let's restore the Huarong Road in front of us to pass the five levels according to the layout on the teacher's courseware.
(6) Students' hands-on operation
(7) Teacher: What problems did you encounter in the process of playing? Or what are your feelings or thoughts?
(Default) Student: The biggest problem I encountered was that I was blocked while playing. I tried many times, but still could not walk a few steps.
Teacher: Have other students also encountered such problems? What did everyone do when the road was blocked?
Student: After the road was blocked, we started again, but we were stuck again soon. (Other students expressed the same feeling)
Teacher evaluation: Children, the teacher really admires your spirit of fearing difficulties and challenges. But we have to use our brains and think of ways to get out of this dilemma.
Talk: Let's observe the layout again. What do you think is the key to the game?
Division: Yes, the key is four soldiers. Did you find that the five generals are all horizontal, so it's easy to move left and right, but what if you want to move up and down? Among them, the area of small soldiers is the smallest, so they are also the most flexible. Therefore, we should move small soldiers flexibly to make the generals move up and down. Have you found another problem? The small soldiers are so small and weak that no one can beat them, so we should let them stay together in pairs.
Teacher: Please treat this chessboard as a battlefield. As a military strategist, you can survey the whole battlefield. If you want to release Cao Cao, where will other personnel move to? (You can discuss it at the same table)
(Students answer)
Teacher: Yes, the students are very smart. They have an overall grasp of the whole battlefield and personnel layout. This idea of having a general plan and strategy for the overall situation of the event is called strategy. Strategy first refers to the awareness of the overall situation of the whole battlefield and the ability to make overall arrangements. Just now () is such a child with strategic talent. He had a good grasp of the overall situation and felt that if he wanted to release Cao Cao, other personnel should move to make room for him. Not only should we have strategic thinking on the battlefield, but we should also have a general plan and overall arrangement of events like this no matter what we do in life. I hope you can apply this strategic thinking to our study and life.
Now, please take this strategic thinking into the battlefield again and release Cao Cao
(8) Teacher: How many students can finish it? (Feedback from classmates)
Well, everyone is very good and learns quickly. The teacher will show you how to release Cao Cao with as few steps as possible. (The teacher demonstrates and explains at the same time, as detailed as possible, so that students can remember the steps)
(9) Everyone continues to operate. If you have questions, you can raise your hand and ask the teacher.
(10) Reflection and improvement: 1. Students, what knowledge of Huarong Taoism have you mastered through this lesson?
2. Have you mastered the rules of Huarong Road?
3. Have you solved the five hurdles? (Students speak freely)
(11) Assignments: 1. The students reviewed the solution of the five levels and tried to solve it faster.
2. Preview the layout and understand the form of layout.

6、 After class reflection: The overall difficulty of Huarong Road game is relatively high. Considering the characteristics of most of the students, only some simple layouts were selected when preparing lessons, but the students' reception ability is relatively strong. Some students have been able to solve the more difficult layout, and this part of students was not taken into account when preparing lessons; The students think actively, but they are too lively. Class discipline needs to be improved. Teaching link design can also be more interesting.