Duyu Financial Modeling

Under the escort of trusted and secure computing in the whole process, it provides a full stack product solution from data fusion to model deployment, rejects "data islands", helps financial institutions expand data scope and application value, and escorts financial business.

  • Product Functions
  • Application scenarios
  • Product advantages
  • Customer Stories

Product Functions

  • Source data security management

    Support users to encrypt and upload data and conduct online management, ensure data security, and ensure that users' privacy is not leaked.
  • Data security fusion

    Support users to create fusion tasks to achieve secure data fusion of both parties and even multiple parties under the protection of multiple security technology solutions.
  • Model security construction

    Model and start training on the premise that multiple security technology solutions ensure that detailed data is available and invisible.
  • Model safety prediction

    Users can select the optimal model, download model files, obtain prediction results, and deploy security.

Application scenarios

  • Credit risk identification

    Identify risks in the whole process of financial business through industry-leading technical capabilities, help financial institutions improve model effects and reduce business losses.

  • Actuarial pricing

    Based on massive data and model capabilities, we can deeply mine customer price preferences, and help insurance companies improve their overall understanding of customers and product differentiation pricing.

Product advantages

Secure and trusted modeling environment

Based on chip protection, memory security and other technologies, the data of all parties in the modeling environment can be made available and invisible, and the encrypted data outside the modeling environment can not be penetrated and cracked to ensure end-to-end encryption throughout the process.

Rich and diverse algorithm reserves

The implementation of multi operator and multi model algorithm based on RUST memory security ensures data security computing while meeting the requirements of multi model construction.

Flexible and convenient platform functions

The modeling process is simple and clear, and the menu switching is convenient and fast. Users can model independently and iterate quickly to better respond to business changes.

Customer Stories

credit risk management

A bank carried out online credit business in the Internet channel. The bank provided sample data and risk control rules, conducted integration model training with the data in the Internet channel, produced a credit risk list and carried out risk management. The product performed well after the loan, and the non-performing ratio was 10% lower than the industry average.