Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Console Add API Key Format Error

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After several revisions of Oracle, the key format of the old version is not supported, which makes it impossible to add the key to the API key from the console. However, there are too many keys that are difficult to manage, so we don't want to regenerate them. After checking the following information, we can use the commands provided with Linux to convert them:

 root@oc-us :~/.oci # openssl rsa -pubout -in oci_api_key.pem -out oci_api_key_new.pem writing RSA key

Where oci_api_key.pem is the original private key, and oci_api_key_new.pem is the public key supported by Oracle console.

Reference article:

1、《 Required Keys and OCIDs

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This article was last updated on 2024/01/25 17:50:09 , which may be different from the current situation due to years

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