Z-Blog Application Center > PHP plug-in >[Limited Discount] Card issuing plug-in

[Limited Discount] Card issuing plug-in

  • ID : xc_card
  • edition : 1.2.21
  • author : Summer cicada ( Author website )  Contact author
  • Official website : https://316la.com/post/37.html
  • system requirements : Z-BlogPHP 1.7.0 Tenet
  • Update Date : 2024-01-18 14:37:26   Updated within half a year
  • amount of downloads : eight hundred and forty-eight
  • Scoring : Average score of 51 people voting 9.82/10
  • PHP version : 5.6 and higher
  • size : 993KB

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Plug in demo:

1. Card classification Multiple card products selection purchase page


2. Single card product purchase page


3. The article quotes Kami products (the end of the article)


4. Home page of card issuing plug-in commodity purchase (you can select categories and commodities under categories)


Plug in function:

1. Batch import of card number/card secret (or other virtual commodity information)

2. Commodity classification can be set

3. Can set single card secret commodity

4. Automatically generate the classification page and commodity list page of goods to be purchased and sold (the background can obtain the link by itself)

5. Support multiple payment methods, Alipay (official, Hupi Pepper, code payment/easy payment), WeChat (official, Hupi Pepper, code payment/easy payment)

6. Support document number query

7. Category card secret commodity purchase page (users can choose any commodity under the category)

8. Single card secret commodity purchase page

9. Users can choose whether to add notes when purchasing card passwords

10. You can refer to the product links of Kami products on the article page

11. Third party statistics codes can be added on the page of purchasing card secret goods (including classification page)

12. Main page of commodity classification, multiple commodities of different classifications can be selected on one page

13. You can set the product page, category page or all product purchase page as the home page of the website, so that the entire zblog website can become a card issuing website.

14. Email automatic push function after card secret purchase (users need to configure email sending in the background)

15. Support ZB secondary directory installation

Plug in update description:

V1.2.2 Add card secret download function to the card issuing result page to optimize the length of contact information input

V1.2.1 Optimize Hupi Pepper payment logic

V1.2.0 Optimize support for card numbers in some special formats

V1.1.99 Optimize the jsapi payment logic in WeChat official payment and import card logic

V1.1.98 Optimize a BUG of viewing orders

V1.1.97 Optimize order query logic and genuine authorization logic

V1.1.96 Optimize contact information input type

V1.1.95 Optimize mail sending logic and card recording logic

V1.1.94 Optimization code payment callback logic

V1.1.93 adds the mail sending function. After the user pays successfully, the goods will be sent by mail!

V1.1.92 Optimize the display style of background payment list under the small screen

V1.1.91 Optimize the bug of page parsing errors in some all-purpose virtual machines (mainly supporting ASP)

V1.1.9 Optimize payment headers, which can be customized globally.

V1.1.7 Optimize the title logic of the page, which can be customized and call the names of categories or commodities

V1.1.6 Optimize order query logic and card secret query logic

V1.1.5 Optimize the mobile terminal and add the menu, add the time period deletion function to the background payment list, and increase the price

V1.1.4 Repair H5 payment and JASAPI payment of WeChat official payment, and increase the price

V1.1.3 Add a prompt, optimization code payment/easy payment, on the optimization query page. Optimize card secret entry function.

V1.1.1 Optimize tiger skin pepper payment

V1.1.0 Optimize the card secret list, which can be deleted in batch. Add the website homepage locking function to lock a page of the plug-in.

V1.0.9 Strengthen the payment record search function, optimize the logo of the page, and optimize the functions of the Hupi Pepper payment website

V1.0.8 Strengthen the search of background orders, and correct the bug prompted by the payment channel in the order details

V1.0.7 Add the main page of a product

V1.0.6 Optimize classification page style

V1.0.5 Add note submission function to the commodity page, add entry for statistical code, and add the function of referencing the card issuing link to the article content

V1.0.4 Optimize plug-in management page logic

V1.0.3 Optimize the BUG proposed by the user, and the basic functions have been completed

V1.0.2 Optimize the interface adaption, and optimize the introduction of Kami products

V1.0.1 Optimize page links and interface styles

Plug in screenshot:

Add Category

Add item

Import card secret

 QQ screenshot 20220514201932.png

Article page reference module

Hello, Z Blog related website has opened the real name system, please log in Bind your phone , and then make comments. Thank you for your support.

ZBLOG Application Center - Application Purchase and Use Agreement

1. Before purchasing an app, you need to confirm whether the app meets your needs. Digital products do not support trial. According to Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law, the app is a digital product downloaded online and cannot be refunded once it is downloaded and installed after purchase.
2. The application you purchased in the application center, Only the license of the application, and the ownership of the application still belongs to the application provider.
3. An application can only be used for a single account. Without the consent of the website and the application provider, No secondary release, gift, resale, lease, piracy, etc , otherwise we will Permanently close the user account And reserves the right to continue to investigate relevant responsibilities.
4. If The website containing the application is resold or given away, leased, etc. Please purchase the application with a new account or remove the application Otherwise, it will be deemed as violating the use agreement and permanently canceling the right to use the account.
5. Unless otherwise specified, the purchased applications only include relevant use rights and free update services, and the application center and application provider do not provide additional after-sales installation and other services.
6. The risks in your use of the application are entirely borne by the user, including system damage, data loss and any other risks.
seven Users shall not use this app to engage in any behavior that violates laws, regulations and social public order and good customs in any way. Users must bear all legal responsibilities for the possible consequences of their improper use, and the website and application provider will not bear any responsibility.
eight If the application provider and the website find that the user installs the application on illegal websites such as pornography, gambling, drugs and fraud, they will stop the user's use rights and services, and report the user's illegal information to the network supervision department.
9. The website and application providers reserve the right to change, restrict, freeze or terminate your use of certain content without notifying you and assuming no responsibility for you.

Purchasing Guide

1. Please first Registered account , and Sign in Application Center.
2. Directly click "Buy App" and follow the instructions.

Download Guide

1. The buyer logs in on his Z-Blog website, enters the background, and clicks the "Application Center" menu on the left menu bar.
2. On the home page of the "Application Center", log in using the application center registration account.
3. Enter "My Application Warehouse" to see the successfully purchased applications. Click "Download" to download and install them.

Other precautions

1. If you cannot normally access the application center through the background of your own website, please purchase carefully, because this may cause the application to fail to download and install smoothly.
2. If the paid application cannot be downloaded normally, please check Z-Blog and application updates in the background of your website. If you have updated to the latest version and still cannot download, please contact us in time.
3. The local settings may be overwritten when the update is applied. Please make a backup before the update.