ZBlogSEO Toolkit

  • ID : mo_Seo
  • edition : 4.3.5
  • author : Sleeping in the desert ( Author website )  Contact author
  • Official website : https://www.mijupai.com/zbpplugin/15446.html
  • system requirements : Z-BlogPHP 1.7.0 Tenet
  • Update Date : 2023-11-26 16:41:01   Updated within half a year
  • amount of downloads : sixteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-one
  • Scoring : The average score of 59 people voting is 9.97/10
  • PHP version : 7.0 and higher
  • size : 3.20MB

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How to do a good job in SEO for a website has always been a difficult problem for many webmasters, but in the process of website optimization, it is inevitable to encounter too many inconvenient places. This SEO toolkit can reduce a lot of workload and make website optimization easier.

Some configuration recommendations: Description of Basic Settings of ZBlogSEO Toolkit

Plug in function

one Auto alias: If you also think that it is troublesome to add an alias for each article, category and tag separately, the alias will be set automatically after the function is enabled, and pinyin and timestamp are supported

two Favicon modification: You don't need to log in to FTP every time, and upload and modify with one key

three sitemap: Support automatic generation of sitemap files

3.1. The generated file includes: independent article index (the number of URLs of each file and the number of sitemaps generated can be customized)

3.2. The generated file includes: independent page index (the number of URLs of each file and the number of sitemaps generated can be customized)

3.3. The generated file includes: independent classification index (the number of URLs of each file and the number of sitemaps generated can be customized)

3.4. The generated file includes: independent label index (the number of URLs of each file and the number of sitemaps generated can be customized)

3.5. The generated files include: sitemap index files (submit sitemap index files directly at Baidu, instead of submitting a large number of sitemap files) Click to view the description of the sitemap index file

3.6. Optional manual update, article release/update after modification, update after publishing and modifying the specified number of articles, and regular update of API interface

four robots: One click to generate/modify robots. txt, instead of logging into FTP every time, one click to add robots protocol rules (common search engine data at home and abroad has been preset)

5. Search engine push: (Updated on May 9, 2020)

5.1. Integrated Baidu Auto Push Code

5.2. Integrating 360 Auto Push Codes

5.3. Articles, pages, categories, and labels will be automatically pushed to Baidu webmaster platform when they are created, modified, or deleted (delete using the delete submission interface)

5.4. Integrated Baidu inclusion query+simultaneous push of query+one button push of all uncollected (updated on March 31, 2020)

5.5. Integrated 360 active submission (new in V2.2) (updated from May 9, 2020)

5.5.1. Please see V2.2 update description for update description

six 404 pages: Switch three 404 page styles with one button, making 404 pages less rigid

seven Article outer chain to inner chain: The article accidentally added an off-site hyperlink, which will be changed to an internal link. Click it to enter the jump page, and then jump to the off-site link 3 seconds later, effectively limiting the outflow of weight

Support custom jump style characters

eight Spider statistics: Statistics of designated spider visitor records can view the current day and all records with one click, and page turning is supported (common spiders have been preset)

nine Keyword search statistics: Open to view all user search records

ten Picture alt: One click to modify/add image alt display, improve page keyword density and weight

10.1. Support modifying when publishing articles (modifying article database data) or browsing articles (not modifying database article data)

10.2. Style 1:<img alt="article title" title="article title">
Style 2:<img alt="article title station name" title="article title station name">
Style 3:<img alt="Article title - page number" title="Article title - page number">

eleven Duplicate detection of title and alias: When enabled, query whether the current article title or alias exists in the database (does not affect publishing)

twelve Remote picture download: Automatically download off-site remote pictures in articles after enabling

12.1. The domain name can be customized and excluded. Pictures for CDN and other non current domain names will not be downloaded again

thirteen Number of custom article views: When enabled, you can customize the number of article views on the article editing page, and support the setting of random number of views

fourteen Post time of modified article: When enabled, the current publishing time is automatically used when modifying an article, not the historical time

fifteen Article advertisement: Support adding custom advertising content at the head and tail of the article

sixteen Batch article management: Batch operation deletion, topping, classification, status type, author

seventeen Batch comment management: Batch operation deletion and approval, you can view more information and re edit the comment content

eighteen Disable right click view: When enabled, the whole station will not be able to use the right mouse button menu

nineteen Disable F12: Once enabled, the entire site will not be able to use F12 to call up the browser console

twenty Disable content selection: When enabled, the whole station cannot press and hold the mouse to select content

twenty-one Whole station graying: After opening, the whole station page style will turn gray and can be used on a specific date

twenty-two Access password: After opening, the home page, category page and article page will use their own passwords to view the content (they need to be opened separately)

twenty-three Static pages increase browsing: If the site uses the static plug-in, after the function is enabled, the user will synchronously add 1 page visit number when browsing the article page

23.1. If the whole station static state is not enabled, the user browsing will make the browsing volume+2

23.2. After being enabled, the static page needs to be regenerated to take effect

23.3. Support updating the specified HTML tag ID content to display the latest browsing volume (code may need to be modified manually)

24. Regular release of articles (New in V1.1)

24.1. When an article is published at a time greater than the current time, it will be automatically saved as a draft (it cannot be inserted and viewed except for the administrator) and will not be pushed by Baidu

24.2. When the release time expires, it will be automatically modified to the public (released) status and the article link will be automatically submitted to Baidu

25. Login background address encryption (New in v1.1)

25.1. After enabling, please set ciphertext. The background login address needs ciphertext to log in. Otherwise, return to 404 instead of the default error page of the system

26. The whole station title is modified, and the home page, classification, article and page TDK are modified (v1.4 update)

26.1. Never worry about changing the theme or closing other plug-ins, and the page title style will change.

26.2. Categories, articles, page keywords and descriptions shall be filled in the page editor

26.2.1. New options (V1.91 update): When the article custom keyword is empty, the article tag is automatically called as the text keyword

26.2.2. New options (V1.91 update): When the article custom description is empty, the first 135 characters of the article content will be automatically called as the article description

26.2.3. New options (V1.91 update): When the page custom description is empty, the first 135 characters of the page content are automatically called as the page description

26.3. Adapts to most themes, but it is not guaranteed that all themes can be used normally. If an error is reported or the display is abnormal after opening, please turn off this function

26.2.4. New optional (V2.1 update): Please add the tag page keywords on the tag editing page. The tag page description calls the tag summary

27. Article tag inner chain (Updated v1.9)

27.1. Improve the richness of article content and information

27.2. Improve the probability of search engine spiders crawling and including tags, and increase the probability of crawling articles under tags, increase the amount of whole site crawling, and help improve the weight of the whole site

28. New comment email notification (v2.0 update)

28.1. Because of laziness, PHPMailer development version is directly used. Download address: https://app.zblogcn.com/?id=1984

28.2. You must enable the plug-in to send comment emails correctly

28.3. Please use this function after PHPMailer development version test can be sent correctly

29. User defined keyword inner link (v2.6 update)

29.1. Text storage data, supporting large amounts of data

29.2. If the data volume is too large, it is recommended to use it with the static cache plug-in, otherwise the opening speed of the article page will be reduced

30. Integrate independent new plug-ins Resubmit Articles, Pages, Categories, Labels

thirty point one Resubmit Articles, Pages, Categories, Labels It involves multiple quick access to php files. Before use, please check whether the firewall is enabled on the server. If it is enabled, please check whether the current IP address is in the white list

31. Integrate independent new plug-ins No Automatic Redirection for Flipping Pages

thirty point one No Automatic Redirection for Flipping Pages It involves multiple quick access to php files. Before use, please check whether the firewall is enabled on the server. If it is enabled, please check whether the current IP address is in the white list

31. Integrate independent new plug-ins No Automatic Redirection for Flipping Pages

32. Integrated water history version Configuration Item Cleaning

32.1. Please carefully clear other "useless" themes and plug-in configuration items

33. Add the URL link address of the current article at the end of the article

34. Integrate own free plug-ins Add Custom CSS Style

35. Integrate own free plug-ins Add Custom JS

36. Support article custom jump

4.3.5. Update description

Pretreatment of a problem

4.3.4. Update description

Fix tdk setting error

4.3.3. Update description

Set Page Repair

4.3.2. Update description

The actual IP acquisition switch of the newly added agent class in the spider record (it is not guaranteed that the actual IP can be acquired)

4.3.1. Update description

Adjustment plug-in function navigation cannot be directly clicked on the mobile terminal

4.3.0. Update description

Fix the problem that the current settings page cannot be skipped normally after the settings are saved

Fix the problem that the reason was not correctly prompted when the robots.txt one key generation failed

Adjust the problem of incorrect references when front-end page access encryption is not enabled

To adjust the global settings of secondary navigation, you can directly click Jump

Adjust the verification problem when the current server cannot access the ZB application center normally

Baidu offline foreground automatic push

Offline 360 foreground automatic push

4.2.1. Update description

Fix the bug of image download suffix

4.2.0. Update description

Adjust the global TDK modification method

Fix the error reported by the global TDK function after the plug-in is closed

When the keyword and description of the new foreground display page are empty, the function of keyword and description on the home page is called by default

After enabling this function, if the page keyword and description are empty, the homepage keyword and description set in the global TDK will be called directly

4.1.4. Update description

1. Adjust the problem that when you enable pinyin aliases for PHP 8.0, you cannot obtain pinyin normally

1.1. It is only implemented in disguised form, and can be automatically used before finding a new compatible version

4.1.3. Update description

Fix a possible unexpected truncation error when generating a sitemap

4.1.2. Update description

Fix an error generated by a sitemap

4.1.1. Update description

Fix the error reporting problem of Sogou setting of new stations using the plug-in for the first time after 4.1

4.1. Update description

1. Adjust the background page style

2. Data saving and merging, reducing data writing frequency and improving page return speed

3. Offline Baidu url recording function

4. Reconstruct zbp configuration item cleaning

4.1. If you do not understand the actual meaning of the function, please use it carefully

5. Optimize the URL push method

6. Synchronize the Sogou webmaster platform's revised push method in February 2023

7. Url manual submission supports 360 manual coding function

4.0.14. Update description

1. Adjust SEO settings ->TDK settings ->article summary

1.1. If the original custom summary is empty, the article description is empty, and the custom summary is called first. If the custom summary is empty, the article summary is called. If the article summary is empty, select whether to call the clipped article content according to the setting switch

1.2. When labeling the content of cut articles, it may not be compatible with some "hidden content charging" plug-ins. Please decide whether to enable them

4.0.13. Update description

1. Fix the problem that the title repeatedly calls the CMD interface, causing incompatibility of other plug-ins

2. Spider visits are compatible with some exotic writing methods, resulting in non statistics of data

3. Picture download is compatible with more pictures

3.0. Adjust this method according to the requirements of a large number of users

3.1. Remote image download will no longer judge the suffix according to the actual type of image, but judge the suffix according to the image file name

3.2. Pictures with dynamic addresses will hardly support

3.3. Images forwarded through nginx or other similar routing functions are hardly supported

4.0.12. Update description

1. Fix the problem that the page turning display quantity of Baidu search data is incorrect

2. Hide some ineffective content

4.0.11. Update description

Fix an error

4.0.10. Update description

Fix the problem that the sitemap cannot be generated by updating the interface

4.0.9. Update description

Fix the problem of invalid page turning of historical date of spider visit

4.0.8. Update description

Handling 404 page error caused by 4.0.3 front-end running speed optimization

4.0.7. Update description

Handle the greedy mode problem of custom global TDK

4.0.6. Update description

Fix a regular problem in alt modification of article pictures (Update is highly recommended)

4.0.5. Update description

1. Super Eagle points caused by accident after handling 4.0+are not displayed

2. Optimize the 360 code submission method, and now you can correctly return 360 official return data

2.1. Now you will not be prompted to re-enter cookies

2.2. Please handle according to the actual return situation

3. Optimize the response speed of Shenma push

4. Optimize the response speed of the tag inner chain to the foreground

4.1. If you still choose to run the whole tag table or take a large amount of data, there will not be much speed increase without optimizing the database

4.0.4. Update description

Repair a BUG from the external link to the internal link in a non routing way to solve most possible problems

4.0.3. Update description

Improve front-end loading speed for SEO

4.0.2. Update description

Fix 4.0.0 unexpected data delay error

4.0.1. Update description

Fix 4.0.0 unexpected function call errors

4.0.0. Update Description

1. When password access is enabled by category, the password will also be enabled for the article under category. If the password is enabled for the article at the same time, you need to enter the password twice (first category, then article)

2. When password access is enabled by category, it can be hidden from the list

3. Adjust alias logic

4. Fix the favicon upload problem

5. Remove some impractical functions

6. Fix the problem of circulation when querying and collecting labels

7. URL Push Add Condition Prompt

8. Adjust the regular matching mode from the outer chain to the inner chain

9. New summary content replacement (if any)

10. The URL push page retains the historical filtering information

11. Adjust the style of the flip list

3.2.4. Update description

1. In view of the automatic push code adjustment of 360 webmaster platform, the plug-in is adjusted synchronously

3.2.3. Update description

1. Fix the problem of synchronous push of non-public articles when "one click query/update of Baidu Included Data" data

3.2.2. Update description

Repair an unexpected error on the collection page

3.2.1. Update description

1. Synchronous update Sogou search active submission

1.1. The submission method of Sogou resource platform has been synchronously updated to around 2021-09-20

1.2. Update Sogou return prompt: except for the preset success and verification code failure, other return results will be directly displayed. Please contact the Sogou official for processing according to the return results

1.2.1. The above returned results are the same as those submitted on the Sogou webmaster platform

1.2.2. Therefore, the plug-in cannot process this type of return results, and can only contact the Sogou official for processing

3.2.0. Update description (2021-07-18)

1. Add a prompt in the "TAG inner chain"

2. Add a new function: you can set whether the jump function is enabled for the current article on the article editing page. After it is enabled, it will jump according to the actual situation

3.1.5. Update description (2021-04-26)

1. Fix a problem that caused "regular article publishing" not to be opened or closed correctly

3.1.4. Update description (2021-03-22)

1. Adjust the problem that the data returned by Baidu push cannot be displayed normally on the page, category and label submission except for the article (actually submitted successfully)

2. The current push type (article, page, category, label) is displayed before adjusting all Baidu push results. Now you can correctly see what content returns what results

3.1.3. Update description (2021-03-22)

1. Fix a problem that caused Sogou to fail to submit normally

3.1.2. Update description (2021-03-02)

1. Fix the problem that Baidu Sky Interface uses a common interface in the URL push

3.1.1. Update description (2021-03-01)

1. Fix the problem that the global TDK settings cannot be saved normally after the 3.0 update

2. Fix the problem that the URL link that does not exist after 3.1.0 is pushed (it is not unexpected that it was queried but not included and deleted)

3.1.0. Update description (2021-02-28)

1. Replace Baidu's collection query interface

1.1. There is almost no Baidu verification problem

1.2. It is not guaranteed that all virtual machines can be used normally

2. Adjust the waiting time to JS waiting, and support waiting operations for virtual machines

3. Dramatically adjust plug-in logic

4. Now query the new content of articles, categories and labels into one label

5. Buttons for temporarily deleting "Query Failed" and updating query failed data

6. Fix the wrong format of spider visit statistics time

7. Fix the page turning and data display problems of spider visiting data

8. Add spider visit statistics and automatically delete the data before the specified days to reduce the database size

3.0.3. Update description (2021-02-27)

1. Fix a bug displayed on the article page of Baidu's collected data after 3.0.0

2. Newly added articles Baidu included status position: before the article title

2.1. Since only administrators can view it at present, it does not affect SEO, but the effect is more beautiful than the head of the article

2.2. Also available only on the article page

3. Adjust the setting styles of 'article page display and inclusion display permission' and 'article page display and inclusion view style'

3.0.2. Update description (2021-02-26)

1. Fix a bug when updating data in Baidu's collected data

3.0.1. Update description (2021-02-25)

1. Adjust a named repeated function

3.0.0. Update description (2021-02-25)

1. Sitemap map adjustment

1.1. Adjust a display error of the html map

2. Baidu inclusion query

2.1. Adjust Baidu included data query from php wait to js wait, and adapt to virtual machines with security mode turned on

2.2. Adjustment: Baidu included the query opinions, Baidu push was canceled, and adjusted to push only when updating (switch optional)

2.3. Adjust the display result style of Baidu included data query

3. Adjust the data processing and return result style of resubmitted articles, pages, categories and labels

4. Reconstruct some functions

2.8.1. Update description (2021-01-26)

1. Adjustment

1.1. Due to the significant adjustment of Sogou Station Master Center, the Sogou submission method is modified as a whole

1.2. Adjust direct push to input verification code push

1.2.1. Since Sogou must input the verification code, which is not a picture and cannot be saved, it cannot be submitted to the marking platform for coding, so the verification code must be entered manually

1.3. Adjust Login Status View Method

1.3.1. Since Sogou no longer writes the login information into html this time, the Sogou login verification function is modified

2.8.0. Update description (2021-01-18)

1. Add a small function -- add the URL address of the current article at the end of the article

1.1. New integrated custom CSS display content style

2. Integrate own free plug-ins Add Custom CSS Style

3. Integrate own free plug-ins Add Custom JS

2.7.1. Update description (2021-01-16)

1. Fix the problem that the 2.7.0 interface cannot generate the sitemap correctly

2. Fix the problem that 2.7.0 uses other automatic generation methods to generate sitemaps in some cases

2.7.0. Update description (2021-01-13)

1. Reconstruct the sitemap function

1.1. Adjusting the Sitemap File Generation Method

1.2. Greatly optimize generation time

1.3. Adjust one-time generation to multiple generation

1.3.1. Only for manual generation If the website has a large amount of content, it is recommended to use manual generation

1.3.2. Except for the manual mode, other automatic generation methods are still one-time generation Single thread generation will occupy a large amount of memory in a short time and occupy different generation times according to the generated content of a single file Please adjust the php script memory, php timeout and http timeout settings according to the actual situation Self adjustment method Baidu

1.4. Deleting a link that only generates articles of the current day

1.5. More convenient function view

1.6. More concise description

1.7. Manually generate and adjust a separate page instead of the current page

2. Configuration item cleaning of integrated water history version

2.1. There are some differences with the latest version of Shuishui

2.2. Please carefully clean the configuration items

2.3. Plug ins are valuable, but data is priceless

2.6.16. Update description (2020-12-28)

1. Fix the optimized page turning problem of URL Push

2.6.15. Update description (2020-12-20)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix an A tag that should not appear on the html website map

2.6.14. Update description (2020-12-07)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that caused the automatic pinyin alias to recognize some special fonts (such as some Unicode fonts)

2.6.13. Update description (2020-11-30)

1. Add ( Thank a local tyrant for sponsoring the red envelope to update this function)

1.1. Add a new template for the article from external link to internal link

1.1.1. It is the previous template by default. If you need to adjust it, please debug it in "SEO Settings ->Global Settings ->Template of Jumping Page from External Link to Internal Link"

2.6.12. Update description (2020-11-23)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that caused no content to be filtered

2.6.11. Update description (2020-11-20)

1. Optimization

1.1. Optimize search engine push ->URL push

1.1.1. Add Baidu ordinary push, Shenma data submission push, Shenma cache cleaning push

1.1.2. New push needs to fill in the corresponding interface in global settings

1.2. Optimize the results returned by Baidu Push

2.6.10. Update description (2020-11-11)

1. Repair the integration function Resubmit Articles, Pages, Categories, Labels Problems that cannot be submitted normally when the value is greater than 10000

2.6.9. Update description (2020-10-20)

1. Fix an unexpected compatibility problem after 2.6.8 plug-in integration

2.6.8. Update description (2020-10-19)

1. Add

1.1. Integrate independent new plug-ins Resubmit Articles, Pages, Categories, Labels

1.1.1. Functions: Content Settings ->Data Processing

1.2. Integrate independent new plug-ins No Automatic Redirection for Flipping Pages

1.2.1. Functions: SEO Settings ->Global Settings

1.2.2. The default flip page does not automatically jump to the home page. If you need to customize it, please fill in by yourself

2.6.7. Update description (2020-10-11)

1. Description of repairing a function

2. Do not update or affect the use of all functions

2.6.6. Update description (2020 -?? -??)

1. Why is there no update to 2.6.6?

2. I didn't find the historical record, which is simply

2.6.5. Update description (2020-09-15)

1. Optimization

1.1. Optimize the random browsing number of articles

1.1.1. It is now only valid for new articles

1.1.2. Now you can only set random numbers in the plug-in background ->Content Settings ->Article Settings

1.1.3. This function must be enabled before the setting will take effect

2.6.4. Update description (2020-08-29)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix the problem of time display in keyword statistics

1.2. Fix the problem that the page description cannot be displayed correctly

2.6.3. Update description (2020-08-27)

1. Add

1.1. Article and category titles can now be customized on the category editing page instead of using the unified template set by TDK

1.1.1. Only when the user-defined content is empty can the unified template be used

2. Optimization

2.1. Beautify the display style of the custom TDK input box, which now looks less low

2.1.1. Only compatible with mainstream browsers

2.1.2. A few special browsers and a few old browsers may not be fully displayed

3. Repair

3.1. Fix the problem that articles not included in Baidu included data in some cases cannot be automatically pushed to Baidu

2.6.2. Update description (2020-08-23)

1. This is a description update

2. Only the description of Baidu inclusion query page is added

3. Emphasize the problem that the time of returning data for each query is: the amount of data for each query * the query waiting time,

4. If the php timeout is less than this value, the results may not be returned on the current page, but the results of each query will not be affected

5. Refresh the page to view the effect

2.6.1. Update description (2020-08-22)

1. Add

1.1. Add a link that only updates queries that fail

1.1.1. Some users said that they could not completely distinguish the results not included from those failed to query

1.2. Add some prompt messages

Due to Baidu's upgrade, the previous anti verification function has failed. It is recommended that you set the query time on the query page to be no less than 5 seconds, otherwise a large number of queries will fail

2.6.0. Update description (2020-08-19)

1. Add

1.1. Add User defined Internal Link Label

1.1.1. Text storage data, supporting large amounts of data

1.1.2. If the data volume is too large, it is recommended to use it with the static cache plug-in, otherwise the opening speed of the article page will be reduced

2. Optimization

2.1. Add a new tag inner link and a string excluded from the user-defined keyword inner link

2.2. Regularization failure or other problems may occur due to special characters in tag names or user-defined keywords

2.3. Therefore, tag names or user-defined keywords with special characters will not display hyperlinks

2.5.3. Update description (2020-08-16)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix an unexpected error

2.5.2. Update description (2020-08-15)

1. Optimization

1.1. It is required to optimize the nofollow relationship between the external chain and the internal chain

1.1.1. Now nofollow can choose whether to add it in the background

1.1.2. Now you can choose whether to completely retain the original outer chain attributes, such as class, id, style, etc., and will not force deletion

1.1.3. The white list has been added, and the domain names in the white list will not be transferred from outside to inside

1.2. Now the external chain can correctly skip the internal link

1.3. Optimize tdk settings, and now remove ambiguous connectors

1.4. Optimize the generation of sitemap, and now supports adding custom links

1.4.1. Support user-defined text titles, only for html maps

1.4.2. User defined added links will not be included in the maximum quantity. Please determine the quantity by yourself

1.4.3. The effect is only reflected in a single file, and multiple files are not supported temporarily

2.5.1. Update description (2020-08-10)

1. Optimization

1.1. The problem that the optimized Baidu quick access interface does not use the push function normally

1.1.1. You can now push in the url push module

2.5.0. Update description (2020-08-07)

1. Add

1.1. Add Shenma MIP submission interface

1.2. The newly added PC end and mobile end of the article advertisement are displayed separately

1.2.1. The original advertising content will be adjusted to the PC terminal by default. Please reset the mobile terminal

2. Optimization

2.1. Optimize Baidu quick access interface

2.2. Create a new section for verification code and 360 related functions that need verification code functions to avoid slow access by unnecessary users

3. Adjustment

3.1 Baidu auto submission interface for offline part

3.1.1. Offline article, page, category, label deletion submission deletion interface

3.2. Due to the lack of access to the cloud marking platform recently, the relevant content of the cloud marking verification code identification platform is temporarily offline

2.4.7. Update description (2020-07-09)

1. Optimization

1.1. Enable a switch on the article editing page for the function "When modifying an article, the modification publishing time is the current modification time, not the historical publishing time"

1.1.1. Avoid that in some cases, if you only want to modify the content but do not want to modify the publishing time, you will save it as the current time in error and cannot obtain the historical time

1.1.2. It is enabled by default on the article editing page, and you can click Close, then the current article publishing time will not be modified to the current submission time


2.4.6. Update description (2020-07-06)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that caused the "Search Engine Push" ->"Baidu Collection Query" ->switch to fail to open or close normally

2.4.5. Update description (2020-06-22)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix an unexpected error reported by the 2.4.4 update

2.4.4. Update description (2020-06-20)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that once led to URL push. When 360 or Sogou login status is "Login Failed", an error cannot be returned directly and correctly. Instead, it is submitted first and returned, resulting in unnecessary verification code platform points being consumed

2.4.3. Update description (2020-05-24)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that caused the update frequency of the sitemap to be the specified number of articles, but after the number of articles does not reach the specified number, the number of changes will lead to the failure of the subsequent timing function

2.4.2. Update description (2020-05-22)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that has led to the failure of Baidu's search function of searching and recording data

2.4.1. Update description (2020-05-15)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix an abnormal error updated in 2.3

2.4. Update description (May 15, 2020)

1. New (synchronous update of new functions of sitemap advanced version)

1.1. The new XML file uses Baidu Mobile sitemap protocol

1.1.1. Baidu is known to prefer mobile terminals, so the optional XML uses Baidu Mobile sitemap protocol

1.1.2. After starting, it is recommended that the generated XML file be submitted to Baidu only, and it is not sure whether other search engines can read it correctly

1.1.3. Only websites supporting mobile access are recommended

1.1.4. Please select Baidu Mobile sitemap type according to Baidu background site properties and view the link Click Go


2.3. Update description (May 15, 2020)

1. Add

1.1. Add Integration: Sogou Batch Push

1.2. The "Super Eagle" verification code recognition platform has been added due to the instability of the verification code function of the cloud coding platform recently

1.2.1. Super Eagle platform 1 yuan 1000 points

1.2.2. Each submission can also be verified for up to 3 times. If the submission fails for 3 times, the submission will be stopped. 10 points will be given for each verification code identification

2. Optimization

2.1. The number of displayed articles per page pushed by optimized new articles is customizable

2.2. Combine 360 submission and Sogou submission into "URL submission" (for the convenience of adding other platforms in the future)

2.3. After optimizing and clicking any push, resubmission is allowed until the returned results appear, to avoid repeated submission caused by obtaining results

3. Adjustment

3.1. In view of Baidu's upcoming offline Bear Palm Sky interface and its modification to the quick submission interface, this plug-in can directly use the new quick inclusion interface

3.1.1. Modify the quick search interface to beautify data

2.2.3. Update description (2020-05-13)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that has led to abnormal display of 360 login status in some cases

2.2.2. Update description (2020-05-12)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that led to an error in the page turning display of Baidu's collected data after updating 2.2

2.2.1. Update description (2020-05-10)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that led to an error report caused by empty lines in the domain name after enabling content settings ->global settings ->remote image download

2.2. Update description (2020-05-09)

1. Add

1.1. Add Integration: 360 Search Active Submission

1.1.1. Plug in function: Push website data to 360 search webmaster platform in real time/actively, reduce the time for crawlers to find website links, improve website inclusion rate and reduce operation steps The search webmaster platform can only submit 5 links at a time. Through plug-in measurement, more than 5 links can be submitted at a time, and the submission is successful However, it is particularly not recommended to submit more than 5 links. First, it is not sure whether 360 can indeed submit multiple links at a time (only the test returns that the submission is successful), and the response time for submitting multiple links is long The webmaster needs to input the verification code to push, so this plug-in uses the cloud code verification code identification system. To use this plug-in, you must register and purchase cloud code points to use it normally!> Registered address: Click to jump Due to the unequal identification time of the verification code, the default timeout is temporarily set to 60 seconds Since the 360 webmaster platform has not tested a successful login interface, you must use COOKIE to log in The cloud code printing platform has 1000 points at 1 yuan. At present (as of April 23, 2020), 50% discount activities still exist. Recharging one yuan will get 2000 points. Every time you get a verification code, you only need 10 points, that is, only 5% (0.005 yuan) for a submission. I should be right about 10/2000 I have no cooperation relationship with this platform, but I have always used this platform for verification. If any purchasing user has used other platforms, please contact me, and I will add them as appropriate (it is appropriate! Not necessarily!!), and add other platforms as the case may be! 360 Website Master Platform Cookie Access Method View

1.2. Add Label Title Customization

1.2.1. Please modify on the label editing page

1.2.2. If the label title is empty, call the default rule

1.3. Add 404 Page Template Style Switch

1.3.1. You can now freely choose to enable the plugin 404 template or the theme's own 404 template;

2. Optimization

2.1. Due to the integration of 360 search submission, the original navigation name "Baidu Push" was changed to "Search Engine Push"

3. Update plan

3.1. It will be gradually connected to Sogou webmaster platform and Shenma webmaster platform for push

2.1. Update description (2020-04-28)

1. Add

1.1. New tag list page keywords and description

1.1.1. keywords, please set them on the tag editing page. The default is tag name

1.1.2.description Call Label Summary

2. Repair

2.1. Fix a problem that caused the switch that displays whether to include on the page to not work normally

2.0. Update description (2020-04-26)

1. Add

1.1. Add comment email reply function

1.1.1. Because of laziness, PHPMailer development version is directly used. Download address: https://app.zblogcn.com/?id=1984

1.1.2. You must enable this plug-in to send comment emails correctly

1.1.3. Please use this function after PHPMailer development version test can be sent correctly

2. Repair

2.1. Fix a problem that led to the problem that the page turning of the data collection query page could not be displayed normally after the collection query was enabled

3. Adjustment

3.1. In view of Baidu offline Bear Palm weekly push, this plug-in is temporarily offline and pushed through this interface

1.92. Update description (2020-04-18)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that caused the problem of modifying the global TDK error after using the og protocol label

1.1.1. For example, 360 Smart Summary

1.91. Update description (2020-04-18)

1. Optimization

1.1. Add Optional: When the article user-defined keyword is empty, automatically call the article tag as the text keyword

1.2. Add Optional: When the article user-defined description is empty, the first 135 characters of the article content will be automatically called as the article description

1.3. Add Optional: When the page user-defined description is empty, the first 135 characters of the page content will be automatically called as the page description

1.9. Update description (2020-04-16)

1. Add

1.1. New article TAG automatic internal link

1.1.1. Improve the richness of article content information

1.1.2. Improve the probability of search engine spiders crawling and including tags, and increase the probability of crawling articles under tags, increase the amount of whole station crawling, and help improve the weight of the whole station


1.8. Update description (2020-04-13)

1. Add

1.1. New articles have been included and displayed on the article page

1.1.1. Only administrator login is supported temporarily

1.1.2. Only display at the head of the article content is supported temporarily

1.1.3. Customizable CSS style

2. Optimization

2.1. When optimizing password access, the display style of mobile phone is adjusted to adaptive

3. Repair

3.1. Fix a problem that may cause an error report after the external chain is switched to the internal chain

3.2. Fix a problem that led to the loss of the article's outer chain to inner chain

1.71. Update description (April 12, 2020)

1. Optimization

1.1. The function of adjusting password to access home page, category and article is not displayed when the current user is an administrator

2. Repair

2.1. Fix a problem that led to the abnormal display of classified password access after upgrading ZBP1.6

1.7. Update description (2020-04-04)

1. Adjustment

1.1. For convenience, adjust the graying of the whole station to the specified time period, rather than long-term opening

Tips: In order to express the deep condolences of the people of all ethnic groups of the country for the martyrs and dead compatriots who died in the fight against COVID-19, the State Council today announced that it decided to hold a national mourning event on April 4, 2020. During this period, the national and foreign embassies and consulates flew flags at half mast in mourning, and public entertainment activities were stopped throughout the country. Since 10:00 on April 4, people across the country have observed a three minute silence, with cars, trains and ships honking horns and air defense alarms sounding.

Case: http://demo.mijupai.com/

1.6. Update description (2020-03-31)

1. Repair

1.1. Fix a problem that led to Baidu push when the current article status was non-public

1.5. Update description (2020-03-31)

1. Add

1.1. Integration Widget Baidu inclusion query+batch push without inclusion

1.1.1. Those interested in independent plug-ins can be purchased separately

1.1.2. Simplify the process, and adjust the independent query of articles, pages, categories and labels to one key query, eliminating tedious operations

1.1.3. One click query for inclusion and one click update for non inclusion. When no inclusion is found, it will be pushed to Baidu according to the configured non inclusion push mode. If no push is required, please adjust it to "no push"

1.1.4. One click query and one click update. If you don't want to update continuously, please refresh the page

1.1.5. Each query and update will only return data after the specified quantity is queried. If the set quantity is large, it will take a long time to return, but it will not affect the queried data (the queried data will be updated in real time, but click Return to Query, and it will only return after the query is completed)

2. Repair

2.1. Fix a problem that caused an unexpected error on the article editing page after TDK modification

1.4. Update description

1. Add

1.1. Add Global Title, Keyword, Description and Modify

1.1.1. Using Fixed Parameters on the Home Page

1.1.2. Use rules to call other pages except the home page

1.1.3. Please configure on the SEO setting page

1.1.4. Adapts to most themes, but it is not guaranteed that all themes can be used normally. If an error is reported or the display is abnormal after opening, please turn off this function

2. Repair

2.1. Fix a problem that once led to a problem that the prompt variable did not exist after submission


1.3. Update Description

1. Add

1.1. Added content generated by sitemap and HTML file

1.2. Added sitemap file format

1.2.1. Single file format (according to the maximum number setting, this sitemap file only has the maximum number of links)

1.2.2. Multi file format (each type of article, page, category, and label generates a sitemap file with the maximum number of connections for the specified number of pages)

one point two

1. Add

1.1. New txt format of sitemap

2. Repair

2.1. Fix a problem that caused the sitemap generation method to update the specified number of articles. After the update, the set number of articles failed to control the generation of the sitemap

one point one

1. Add

1.1. Add Scheduled Publishing,

1.1.1. When an article is published at a time greater than the current time, it is automatically saved as a draft (cannot be inserted and viewed except for the administrator), and Baidu push will not be performed

1.1.2. When the publishing time expires, it will be automatically modified to public (published) status and the article link will be automatically submitted to Baidu

1.2. Add Login Background Address Encryption

1.2.1. After enabling, please set ciphertext. The background login address needs ciphertext to log in. Otherwise, 404 is returned instead of the default error page of the system

Sitemap index style:










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ZBLOG Application Center - Application Purchase and Use Agreement

1. Before purchasing an app, you need to confirm whether the app meets your needs. Digital products do not support trial. According to Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law, the app is a digital product downloaded online and cannot be refunded once it is downloaded and installed after purchase.
2. The application you purchased in the application center, Only the license of the application, and the ownership of the application still belongs to the application provider.
3. An application can only be used for a single account. Without the consent of the website and the application provider, No secondary release, gift, resale, lease, piracy, etc , otherwise we will Permanently close the user account And reserves the right to continue to investigate relevant responsibilities.
4. If The website containing the application is resold or given away, leased, etc. Please purchase the application with a new account or remove the application Otherwise, it will be deemed as violating the use agreement and permanently canceling the right to use the account.
5. Unless otherwise specified, the purchased applications only include relevant use rights and free update services, and the application center and application provider do not provide additional after-sales installation and other services.
6. The risks in your use of the application are entirely borne by the user, including system damage, data loss and any other risks.
seven Users shall not use this app to engage in any behavior that violates laws, regulations and social public order and good customs in any way. Users must bear all legal responsibilities for the possible consequences of their improper use, and the website and application provider will not bear any responsibility.
eight If the application provider and the website find that the user installs the application on illegal websites such as pornography, gambling, drugs and fraud, they will stop the user's use rights and services, and report the user's illegal information to the network supervision department.
9. The website and application providers reserve the right to change, restrict, freeze or terminate your use of certain content without notifying you and assuming no responsibility for you.

Purchasing Guide

1. Please first Registered account , and Sign in Application Center.
2. Directly click "Buy App" and follow the instructions.

Download Guide

1. The buyer logs in on his Z-Blog website, enters the background, and clicks the "Application Center" menu on the left menu bar.
2. On the home page of the "Application Center", log in using the application center registration account.
3. Enter "My Application Warehouse" to see the successfully purchased applications. Click "Download" to download and install them.

Other precautions

1. If you cannot normally access the application center through the background of your own website, please purchase carefully, because this may cause the application to fail to download and install smoothly.
2. If the paid application cannot be downloaded normally, please check Z-Blog and application updates in the background of your website. If you have updated to the latest version and still cannot download, please contact us in time.
3. The local settings may be overwritten when the update is applied. Please make a backup before the update.