Z-Blog Application Center > PHP Theme >Comprehensive Taoke Theme of Beautiful Commodities

Comprehensive Taoke Theme of Beautiful Commodities

  • ID : umtbk
  • edition : 2.2.10
  • author : Beautiful theme ( Author website )  Contact author
  • Official website : http://www.umtheme.com/theme/106.html
  • system requirements : Z-BlogPHP 1.5.2 Zero
  • Update Date : 2024-01-20 16:10:49   Updated within half a year
  • amount of downloads : two hundred and forty
  • Scoring : The average score of 9 people voting is 10/10
  • PHP version : 5.5 and higher
  • size : 2.04MB

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 Beautiful theme

Themes can not only be used for merchants' entry (yellow pages of merchants), Taobao customers' product promotion, but also for product soft text promotion, such as fashion matching columns, where some product information is added to the articles by publishing articles;

More conducive to SEO and user stickiness;

You can also completely abandon Taobao customers and completely use it for your own product display and promotion

Topic update record

V2.2.10 Update content

1. Add the template of commodity detail page with sidebar;

     Demonstration effect: http://tbk.umtheme.com/post/5.html

2. Adjust and fix the problem that the current price is not set and the preferential price is still displayed;

3. Standardize template naming and side bar module naming to avoid wrong selection;

3. Optimize the background theme configuration code.

Add template with sidebar for product details page


V2.2.9 Update content

1. Modify the side bar module recommended product image acquisition function;

2. Fix the misplacement of the sidebar when there are no articles on the list page;

3. When there is no content on the current list page, add the prompt of no relevant content temporarily to optimize the experience;

4. No search keyword is entered to add verification.

V2.2.8 Update content

1. Adjust the theme custom background login page style and synchronize the latest version of the system to add the verification code function;

2. Optimize the regularity of the tag inner chain to avoid error reporting when the tag has some special characters;

3. Optimize and adjust the title style of the detail page module;

4. Optimize the comment js code and fix the problem that the comment box does not display after clicking Reply and then clicking Page Turn.

V2.2.7 Update content

1. Adjust the minimum height of the list page module to ensure that the bottom is displayed on the bottom;

2. Adjust and optimize theme fonts, simplify template files, and delete unnecessary resources;

3. Adjust and optimize the width of the sidebar module;

4. Add Baidu time factor tag to the article details page (it can be turned on or off in the theme configuration - article settings).

V2.2.6 Update content

1. Adjust the navigation bar style;

2. The product purchase link and article details page add the setting of automatic transfer from the external chain to the internal chain (can be opened in the theme configuration - article settings - general module);

3. The template of news and information details page (template with sidebar for articles) is added to call the designated classification module (which can be opened and set on the article release page);

4. Adjust and optimize the list page template code.

V2.2.5 Update content

1. The scroll floating follow function is added to the side bar;

2. Enable sidebar 2 on the article details page with sidebar, and other default sidebars;

3. Add custom icon and link shortcut menu on the side bar and bottom;

4. Repair the phone number newline of the side floating bar module and add the call wake-up link;

5. Adjust and optimize the bottom code and style, and add the hidden theme copyright switch;

6. Adjust and optimize the css style.

V2.2.3 Update content

1. For the current classification, the previous one is the next one;

2. Add a date selection control to the end time of the theme configuration article publishing page activity;

3. Fix the error reported by the homepage label module in some server environments.

V2.2.2 Update content

1. Adjust the custom background login page code and style;

2. Optimize the internal link function of the tag on the detail page (you can set the display quantity of the same tag and the internal link quantity of the current content tag, and you can close the internal link of the tag for the current article);

3. Adjust the latest message module code;

4. Optimize theme resources and delete unnecessary resources.

V2.2.1 Update content

1. Add a new plain text list template (only title+summary are displayed);

2. Adjust and optimize the naming of template to prevent mis selection;

3. Optimize and simplify the template code;

4. Fix the article details page and the last editing time of the current article in the author module;

5. Author alias is preferentially displayed on the article details page.

New plain text list template


V2.2.0 Update content

1. Fix the conflict and overlap between the bottom WeChat pop-up window and the merchants' WeChat pop-up window js click events;

2. Adjust the title style of the commodity display list on the home page module;

3. Optimize slide code;

4. Adjust the detail style of the detail page.

V2.1.10 Updated content

1. Adjust the style of commodity label items on the specification release page;

2. Add a new commodity QR code for the customized commodity type, and automatically judge that the PC side clicks Buy Now to display the commodity QR code, and the mobile side accesses the commodity link;

3. Adjust the display rule of the customized product contact information button, which is displayed when it is set and not displayed when it is set;

4. Adjust the floating navigation code and style at the bottom of the commodity detail page;

5. Adjust the background theme configuration style details.

V2.1.9 Updated content

1. Adapt to the beautiful Taoke selection library plug-in, page presentation http://tbk.umtheme.com/nvzhuang/

2. The top banner function is added to the details page;

3. The navigation bar adaptation module management plug-in is added to support pull-down secondary menus;

4. Fix the error reported on the home page of the home page user-defined module opened in the issuer mode;

5. A new hidden title switch is added to a single page (convenient for users to customize and promote user-defined pages);

6. Add and set the top banner image on a single page.

Add and set the top banner image and hidden title function on a single page Picture.png

V2.1.8 Updated content

1. Add mobile terminal wake-up dialing link to the bottom phone;

2. Optimize the price display style in the home page list;

3. Fix the line break misplacement problem when the phone number in the floating menu on the right has spaces.

V2.1.7 Updated content

1. Optimize the operation experience, adjust the theme configuration, and the save button floats with the window;

2. Optimize the home page tag module, and add the tag that can be selected randomly or according to the most popular tag;

3. Add user-defined coupon label text.

V2.1.6 Updated content

1. Fix the wrong path of the latest random pictures released by the sidebar module;

2. Add the calling tag module on the home page;

3. Modify some style details.

4. Fix a naming error when adding the homepage custom module in the theme configuration

V2.1.5 Updated content

1. Add a new list template - text list on the left and right;

2. Adjust the logo size;

3. Add a user-defined original price text field, for example, change the original price * * yuan to rebate * * yuan (more guide users to place orders and purchase);

4. Add the detail page to automatically add the image alt/title function, and you can customize the combination mode of alt/title, such as: article title+article tag+category title+website title+article summary;

5. Adjust and optimize the paging style.


V2.1.4 Updated content

1. Adjust the layout of the search results page;

2. Optimize the search page TDK;

3. Optimize the detail page style.

V2.1.3 Updated content

1. Fix the problem that the specific English tag in the tags internal chain conflicts with the editor configuration js of the merchant entry page, which causes the editor to fail to load;

2. Optimize the problem that the text of the coupon button is too long and the button is misplaced;

 Comprehensive Taoke Theme of Beautiful Commodities

3. Adjust the head detail style.

V2.1.2 Updated content

Optimize page details and adjust some styles.

V2.0 update content

01. Optimize the style of likes on the details page;

02. Adjust style details

V1.9 Update Content

01. Adjust the recently released thumbnail call rules in the sidebar, assign thumbnails first, and do not upload thumbnails to get the first picture of the article page;

02. Adjust the detail page, and the picture in the article will be automatically height below the phone end (to prevent the picture height from being pulled up and deformed);

03. There is a gap between the img picture labels on the adjustment details page;

04. Corrected the judgment problem of adding the header menu code (displayed only when the bottom menu code is filled in);

05. Optimize page details and adjust some styles.

V1.8 Updates

01. A new calling title list module is added on the home page, which can be called by category or by top article ID number (and the sorting rules can be set);

02. Repair the outer chain Automatically add the rel="external nofollow" tag, In some web environments, JS reports an error, which causes the problem that the article page product carousel graph cannot be displayed;

03. Optimize expired goods toast Tips;

04. The article details page integrates the tag inner link function, and can set the number of matching inner links for the same tag in the current article;

05, adjust the size of the LOGO (increase the logo appropriately);

06. Adjust the thumbnail rules of the article list page (if there is an upload cover image, adjust the cover image; if there is no upload cover image, obtain the first image in the article; if there is no image, only the title and summary will be displayed);

07. Optimize page details and adjust some styles.


V1.6 Update content

01. Add the function of carousel of the cover map of the commodity and merchant detail pages, which can upload multiple cover maps for carousel;

02. The rel="external nofollow" tag is automatically added to the external chain;

03. Modify the adjustment details;

04. Optimize and adjust the page details.


V1.5 Updates

01. The merchant entry function has been launched, and the merchant submission function has been added (merchants can apply for online entry, and the editor mode, classification of application submission, membership level free of review, etc. can be set in the theme configuration), and the merchant yellow page module has been improved;

02. The template of the updated article type detail page is not full screen under certain circumstances;

03. Optimize and adjust the page details.

Merchant settlement module:


Background configuration of merchant settlement module:


V1.4 Update content

01. Update the arrangement of the commodity list under the mobile phone;

02. Optimize and adjust some details.

V1.3 Update content

01, newly added/integrated merchant yellow page classification module (can publish and add merchant entry page);

02. Adjust the module background style;

03. Many details of modification and optimization can be found on the demo website.


V1.2 Update content

01. Adjust the way to obtain thumbnail images on the product page (priority: user-defined upload → first image of the article page →>default random image);

02. Optimize page details.

V1.1 Update content

01. Add custom module function on the home page( You can add, delete, and sort modules at will, call specified classifications, and support tab switching );

02. Optimize the operation experience of article/product release/editing page;

03. Adjust the commodity page to open a new window;

04. Adjust the way to obtain thumbnails (priority: user-defined upload → first picture of the article page Default random graph);

05. Optimize page details;

06. Adjust some styles.


Thematic features

Responsive design is applicable to PC, mobile phone and iPad terminals, and compatible with mainstream browsers

Note: This version is non acquisition version

01. Support the promotion of independent products and the promotion of all third-party shopping websites( For example, Taobao, Tmall, Pinduoduo, server host, etc. can be promoted/purchased if there is a link );

02. One click copy of product promotion information is supported;

03. Different status can be displayed on the commodity detail page with different commodity properties( For example, independent commodities, whether there are coupons, whether commodity promotion information or activities have expired, etc );

04. The list of articles on the home page can be customized( By article ID, by publishing time, by views, by comments );

05. Built in two types of classification page and detail page templates( Commodity list page and detail page, general article type list page and detail page );

06. Support home page recommendation rolling classification( Recommended classification can set icon or picture mode );

07. The home page and tab list support filtering specified classified articles;

08. The sidebar has a built-in recommended product window (managed by the system module, which can be opened, closed and sorted);

09. It supports two-level column filtering and high display;

10. Support user-defined uploading of PC and mobile logos;

11. Support customized website homepage, category page, detail page title, description, keywords and title spacer;

12. Support home slide;

13. Built in advertising space and advertising settings;

14. Support custom theme color;

15. Support user-defined highlight color of navigation bar;

16. Built in BLAzy image delay loading, optimizing the loading speed of multi image pages;

17. Add the function of uploading thumbnail and homepage recommendation image;

18. Integrate likes and sharing functions;

19. Customized social information (QQ, Tencent Weibo, Sina Weibo, email, WeChat QR code);

20. Customize the login page;

21. Please visit the demo station for more features

Basically applicable to all third-party shopping websites with promotion links;

also Can abandon Taoke and use it completely Do your own product display or promotion , user access can be directly online Contact for inquiry

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Beautiful theme

Undertake theme customization, template modification, front-end cutting PSD to html, design draft to zblog and other services.

Beautiful theme official website: https://www.umtheme.com

If you have any questions about the beautiful theme or plug-in, you can add QQ: forty-eight million eight hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and ten Or WeChat: umtheme consultation

Station building technical exchange group Zblog communication group


    QQ or WeChat code scanning and clustering

ZBLOG Application Center - Application Purchase and Use Agreement

1. Before purchasing an app, you need to confirm whether the app meets your needs. Digital products do not support trial. According to Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law, the app is a digital product downloaded online and cannot be refunded once it is downloaded and installed after purchase.
2. The application you purchased in the application center, Only the license of the application, and the ownership of the application still belongs to the application provider.
3. An application can only be used for a single account. Without the consent of the website and the application provider, No secondary release, gift, resale, lease, piracy, etc , otherwise we will Permanently close the user account And reserves the right to continue to investigate relevant responsibilities.
4. If The website containing the application is resold or given away, leased, etc. Please purchase the application with a new account or remove the application Otherwise, it will be deemed as violating the use agreement and permanently canceling the right to use the account.
5. Unless otherwise specified, the purchased applications only include relevant use rights and free update services, and the application center and application provider do not provide additional after-sales installation and other services.
6. The risks in your use of the application are entirely borne by the user, including system damage, data loss and any other risks.
seven Users shall not use this app to engage in any behavior that violates laws, regulations and social public order and good customs in any way. Users must bear all legal responsibilities for the possible consequences of their improper use, and the website and application provider will not bear any responsibility.
eight If the application provider and the website find that the user installs the application on illegal websites such as pornography, gambling, drugs and fraud, they will stop the user's use rights and services, and report the user's illegal information to the network supervision department.
9. The website and application providers reserve the right to change, restrict, freeze or terminate your use of certain content without notifying you and assuming no responsibility for you.

Purchasing Guide

1. Please first Registered account , and Sign in Application Center.
2. Directly click "Buy App" and follow the instructions.

Download Guide

1. The buyer logs in on his Z-Blog website, enters the background, and clicks the "Application Center" menu on the left menu bar.
2. On the home page of the "Application Center", log in using the application center registration account.
3. Enter "My Application Warehouse" to see the successfully purchased applications. Click "Download" to download and install them.

Other precautions

1. If you cannot normally access the application center through the background of your own website, please purchase carefully, because this may cause the application to fail to download and install smoothly.
2. If the paid application cannot be downloaded normally, please check Z-Blog and application updates in the background of your website. If you have updated to the latest version and still cannot download, please contact us in time.
3. The local settings may be overwritten when the update is applied. Please make a backup before the update.