Tuoyuan B2C Theme

  • ID : b2c
  • edition : four point four
  • author : toyean ( Author website )  Contact author
  • Official website : https://www.toyean.com/post/b2c.html
  • system requirements : Z-BlogPHP 1.6.0 Valyria
  • Update Date : 2022-05-18 23:30:05   Long time no update
  • amount of downloads : nine hundred and four
  • Scoring : The average score of 13 people voting is 8.38/10
  • PHP version : 5.2 and higher
  • size : 4.51MB

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B2C theme demonstration address: https://zbp.toyean.com/

Subject description:

The subject needs to be registered with a Tuoyuan account, Unlimited domain name, permanent use

The theme price includes the deduction points of the application center. You can click Tuoyuan Network Buy more cheaply.

Users who have purchased in the application center can contact Customer service specialist Import orders to your Tuoyuan account or Self service import order

ZBlog Theme Exchange Group (ZBlog China): four hundred and ninety-one million nine hundred and twenty thousand and seventeen   ->>  Join now


Application Center Order Import to Tuoyuan.com( https://www.toyean.com/ )Methods

1. >> Click here to enter Copy the order information shown in the following figure from the list of purchased applications in your application center:

2. Register and log in to the user center of Tuoyuan, on the left“ Order management ”—“ Application Center Order Import ”Copy and paste the order information shown in the above figure in sequence of serial number, and click Submit.

(The order supports applications purchased after 14:00 on March 18, 2020. If you purchase before this time, please contact   Online Service   Import)

B2C theme demonstration address: http://zbp.toyean.com/

Subject description:

The subject needs to be registered with a Tuoyuan account, Unlimited domain name, permanent use

The theme price includes the deduction points of the application center. You can click Tuoyuan Network Buy more cheaply.

Users who have purchased in the application center can contact Customer service specialist Import orders to your Tuoyuan account or Self service import order

ZBlog Theme Exchange Group (ZBlog China): four hundred and ninety-one million nine hundred and twenty thousand and seventeen   ->>  Join now

2022-05-18 Update V4.4

-The number of mobile end columns in the new product list;

-Update the random thumbnail of the theme and optimize the thumbnail call mechanism;

-Optimize comments and optionally enable comment form items and comment avatar invocation mechanism;

-Optimize the separation of classification/label top image and SEO settings, and use color control for background color;

-When optimizing a single home slide, it will no longer be broadcast in rotation;

-Optimize scroll progress bar and webpage scroll bar;

-Optimized return to top function supports top distance;

-Optimize LOGO animation and related settings;

-Optimize the use of translucent masks at the bottom of the navigation menu on the mobile end;

-Optimize theme interaction and some styles;

-Fix the problem that the rolling progress bar depends on the number of rolling progress;

-Fix the problem that an error is reported when the slide on the mobile terminal is not set;

-Fixed the jitter problem when the sidebar scrolls coherently;

-Fix the dislocation of the top chart of the list caused by the list summary containing html;

2021-08-20 update V4.3

-Add mobile terminal slide and related functions;

-New reader wall template and related settings;

-New subcategory sidebar navigation;

-Asynchronous submission of new theme settings;

-Add functions related to article audio/video and download fields;

-Add free setting of traditional time format;

-More functions for content page reading New articles and free page settings;

-Optimize color settings, customize CSS as code editor;

-The picture light box of the optimized article only acts on the picture range;

-Optimized article images are not affected by the first line indentation

-Display the comment after the first comment is optimized successfully;

-When optimizing the form to get the focus, it is not affected by the key turning page;

-Optimize the bugs in the product list template;

-Optimize the theme slide settings;

-Optimize the "Contact us" module on the sidebar, and participate in module management and free sorting;

-Optimize SEO functions, add detailed settings and custom codes;

-Hide unnecessary settings when the optimization theme setting switch is turned off;

-Optimize some detail styles;

-Fixed the problem that affected reading more when the article picture light box was expanded;

-Remove the global search function and comment random avatar function;

2021-01-02 Update V4.2

-Search template optimization;

-Newly added website closing function and settings;

-Add personalized login function;

-When you add a new address without permission, you will jump to a user-defined address. By default, you will jump to management login;

-Add "Popular Reading", "Hot Review Articles", "Recommended Reading", "Latest Articles" and "Latest Comments" topic sidebar modules;

-Adjust the site map template to the article archiving template;

-Add tag cloud template and settings;

-Add side bar viscous suspension and end module suspension functions;

-Add the image style at the top of the management page;

-Strengthen content protection function;

-Fix the problem that the default configuration for viewing full-text is incorrect;

-Fixed the error in judging the regular expression of the mobile terminal;

-Adjust 5 thumbnails on the product details page, and the customized thumbnails are not involved in the product details;

-Perfect SEO function settings;

-Name of optimization module title;

-Optimize script and style cache after theme upgrade;

-Optimize some UI styles;

Update V4.1 on May 10, 2020

-New article font size control function;

-Add the number of customized articles in the home page list group;

-Add the time display switch of home page list group;

-The CMS module on the home page is added to set the number of words in our summary;

-Add the setting of the number of entries in the TAB list of the CMS module on the home page;

-New homepage CMS module carousel title setting;

-Optimize the mobile terminal to hide the magnifying glass window of the main product picture;

-Optimize the article picture light box compatibility mode;

-Optimize the style of sharing function WeChat pop-up window;

-Fix the problem of invalid color configuration;

-Fix the problem that the icon on the configuration page cannot be displayed normally;

2020-05-09 Major update V4.0

-Add the function of graying out the page and the specified date;

-Add the function of turning on and off the website light and the specified time period light;

-New page turning function for left and right keys of lists and articles;

-New product display template supports magnifying glass display of product drawings;

-Setting of advertising space on the new product details page;

-Set the specified number of new related articles;

-New website sharing function;

-Add verification code character set setting, and independently set the characters appearing in the verification code;

-New article page picture light box function;

-Add the function of clearing empty paragraphs of articles;

-Add the function of rolling progress bar;

-Add the function of rolling progress number;

-New Home Link PC Mobile Independent Switches at Both Ends

-Adjust the breadcrumb navigation position;

-Replace the core script of the small slide of the home page news module;

-Adjust part of UI layout display;

-Optimize the highlighting of website navigation article page;

-Optimize the label style of articles on the top of the list;

-Replace font icons to reduce the size of theme files;

-The "Link Management Center" plug-in can support the form based management navigation and drop-down menu;

2020-03-17 Update V3.9

-Update the cloud function interface;

Updated V3.8 on November 12, 2019

-Fix the responsive problem on the mobile end of the home page list group module;

Updated V3.7 on August 18, 2019

-Add the function of home page list group module;

Updated V3.6 on July 29, 2019

-New full text reading function;

-New navigation floating switch;

Updated V3.5 on May 13, 2019

-Correct the error that the home page service module PC calls the mobile terminal in the opposite direction;

-Perfect the home page advantage module picture alt tag;

Updated V3.4 on April 16, 2019

-The configuration page automatically obtains the current year;

-Optimize the home page service module PC and mobile terminal to set pictures and links independently;

-Optimize the page style of some mobile terminals;

Updated V3.3 on October 21, 2018

-Add slide switching time setting;

Updated V3.2 on August 13, 2018

-Add the function of random avatar of comments;

-Repair the known bug;

2018-05-17 Update V3.1

-Optimize the homepage configuration CMS module to add hidden classification options;

-Fix a js error;

-Fix the font size problem in the sidebar;

2018-05-06 Update V3.0

-Support ZBlog V1.5.2;

-Add side bar floating function;

-Add personalized time and traditional time selection settings;

-New home page case classification and user-defined article ID selection function;

-Adjust the more cases button on the home page to customize the link function;

-Adjust the theme UI and SEO optimization;

-The header of the homepage module supports HTML;

-Optimize the home page parallax scrolling effect;

-Fix 404 page title;

-Fix the error reported by the slide in some environments;

2018-01-16 Update V2.9

-Remove the copyright link of Tuoyuan;

-Access to Tuoyuan network user system;

2018-01-16 Update V2.8

-Add Chinese and English settings for CMS news tab title;

2018-01-12 Update V2.7

-"Our advantages" break through the initial four restrictions and support unlimited addition and sorting functions;

-Add more button text about our summary customization on the home page. The default is "MORE »";

-"Service network" picture supports hyperlink;

2018-01-03 Updated V2.6

-Add custom CSS function;

Updated V2.5 on December 28, 2017

-Fix the problem with the response of the color matching function in the previous version;

2017-12-05 Update V2.4

-New color settings (theme custom color matching);

-Add mobile terminal navigation drop-down function;

-Add fixed thumbnail upload and random thumbnail switch settings;

-Optimize theme thumbnail algorithm (improve theme running speed);

-Optimize the theme thumbnail lock resolution;

-The optimized slide and partner data type is json (for installed users, please clear the original configuration of the theme before using it);

-Add the number of customized pages for ajax paging loading;

-The new carousel map supports user-defined background color;

-Add (classification/label) top picture background color function;

-New global search function switch (supports page search range);

-Improve the theme content protection function (prohibit text selection, right-click, review element debugging, etc.);

-Optimize the theme's own configuration items;

-Fix the problem that the help button on the topic configuration page is blocked;

-Fixed the problem that related articles reported errors without labels on some hosts;

2017-10-01 Updated V2.3

-New solid state diagram of mobile terminal;

-Contact us to configure the new UE editor;

2017-07-16 Update V2.2

-Add ESC key to cancel the navigation search focus function;

-Adjust the style of the drop-down menu;

-Fix the problem that the item list on the article page does not display the serial number;

-Stop broadcasting when there is only one optimized slide;

-Optimize the location of unlisted comment forms;

-Optimize the theme sidebar and tail style;

-Optimize theme thumbnail effect;

2017-06-20 Update V2.1

-Add a site map site wide article summary template, and select the sitemap template on the right side of the article or page;

-The optimization sidebar classification module is displayed for the main subordinate classification relationship, and not for the separate classification;

-Optimize the "Related Articles" module on the article page. If the article does not contain a label, the module will not be displayed;

-Third party sharing function is added to the article page;

-New search function for mobile terminal navigation;

-Optimize theme configuration structure and front desk style;

-Cancel the upgrade of application center users (please upgrade in the application center for application center users);

2017-06-14 Update V2.0

-New tab SEO settings;

-Fix the problem that tags and author pages cannot customize templates;

-Breadcrumb navigation adds a main category link;

-Add the switch of Banner on the top of the list page and article page;

-Add top map Banner upload settings on the classification and label management page;

-Fix related articles to be compatible with SQLite database drivers;

2017-05-31 Update V1.9

-Fix the error reported in the zblogPHP+SQLite environment (major update: you need to upload slides again after upgrading);

-New link function is added to the content of "Our Advantages" module on the home page;

-Optimize the SEO settings and beautification of articles, pages and categories;

2017-05-26 Update V1.8

-New partner module (old users need to clear the theme configuration to take effect);

-Optimize the commenter's website as the website address;

-The button text of the case module on the home page supports customization;

-The theme adds the whole station graying function;

-Add RSS subscription button in the footer SNS;

-Repair the empty link on the home page of the site map;

-Optimize mobile terminal interface display;

2017-05-03 Update V1.7

-Add new articles/categories, customize SEO title, keywords, and description settings;

-Fixed the user style of 'detect updates' on the article custom thumbnail and theme configuration page;

2017-04-23 Update V1.6

-Add home page parallax scrolling effect;

-Optimize the theme configuration image upload method, and there is no need to upload repeatedly for overlay installation;

-Optimize the automatic judgment output of classification template name;

-Adjust the theme responsive UI style;

2017-04-10 Update V1.5

-Add the function of loading progress bar;

-Navigation adds support for drop-down menus;

-Fix the deformation problem of the homepage slide and support drag and drop switching;

-Fix the small slide article on the home page to support custom thumbnails and fix the bug of delayed display;

-Random thumbnails increased to 20;

-Optimize the theme authorization mode;

-Icomon is used for icons in the optimization interface;

-Optimize click search to automatically obtain cursor;

-The theme configuration page adds a shortcut entry at the bottom;

-Fix some compatibility bugs on the configuration page;

-Adjust the slide data table (the configuration needs to be cleared to take effect);

2017-04-02 Update V1.4

-Fix the abnormal display of the classification list;

-Fix the abnormal display of the site map;

2017-02-27 Update V1.3

-New homepage friendship link module;

-New topic template description;

-Theme configuration update;

2017-02-22 Update V1.2

-Picture path of the operation button of the repair theme configuration;

-Description of new theme related pages;

2017-01-12 Update V1.1

-Repair the theme version display;

2017-01-09 Release V1.0

Description of theme related settings:

Please edit the summary item in the category management for the top picture of the category page (please fill in the picture address in the summary, the format is as follows: http://www.toyean.com/zb_users/upload/2017/01/201701091483944879439161.png );

Hello, Z Blog related website has opened the real name system, please log in Bind your phone , and then make comments. Thank you for your support.

 Tuoyuan Theme

ZBLOG Application Center - Application Purchase and Use Agreement

1. Before purchasing an app, you need to confirm whether the app meets your needs. Digital products do not support trial. According to Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law, the app is a digital product downloaded online and cannot be refunded once it is downloaded and installed after purchase.
2. The application you purchased in the application center, Only the license of the application, and the ownership of the application still belongs to the application provider.
3. An application can only be used for a single account. Without the consent of the website and the application provider, No secondary release, gift, resale, lease, piracy, etc , otherwise we will Permanently close the user account And reserves the right to continue to investigate relevant responsibilities.
4. If The website containing the application is resold or given away, leased, etc. Please purchase the application with a new account or remove the application Otherwise, it will be deemed as violating the use agreement and permanently canceling the right to use the account.
5. Unless otherwise specified, the purchased applications only include relevant use rights and free update services, and the application center and application provider do not provide additional after-sales installation and other services.
6. The risks in your use of the application are entirely borne by the user, including system damage, data loss and any other risks.
seven Users shall not use this app to engage in any behavior that violates laws, regulations and social public order and good customs in any way. Users must bear all legal responsibilities for the possible consequences of their improper use, and the website and application provider will not bear any responsibility.
eight If the application provider and the website find that the user installs the application on illegal websites such as pornography, gambling, drugs and fraud, they will stop the user's use rights and services, and report the user's illegal information to the network supervision department.
9. The website and application providers reserve the right to change, restrict, freeze or terminate your use of certain content without notifying you and assuming no responsibility for you.

Purchasing Guide

1. Please first Registered account , and Sign in Application Center.
2. Directly click "Buy App" and follow the instructions.

Download Guide

1. The buyer logs in on his Z-Blog website, enters the background, and clicks the "Application Center" menu on the left menu bar.
2. On the home page of the "Application Center", log in using the application center registration account.
3. Enter "My Application Warehouse" to see the successfully purchased applications. Click "Download" to download and install them.

Other precautions

1. If you cannot normally access the application center through the background of your own website, please purchase carefully, because this may cause the application to fail to download and install smoothly.
2. If the paid application cannot be downloaded normally, please check Z-Blog and application updates in the background of your website. If you have updated to the latest version and still cannot download, please contact us in time.
3. The local settings may be overwritten when the update is applied. Please make a backup before the update.