Build LNMP environment on raspberry pie

Build Nginx+MariaDB+PHP7.0 environment on the third generation B model of Raspberry Pie.


First, download the source code of Nginx/PCRE/OpenSSL. The download process will not be described. PCRE needs version 1. x, OpenSSL does not need the fips version. After downloading, unzip it. I operate in the/tmp directory.

First install PCRE, enter the PCRE source directory, and execute/ Configure. If there are no errors, execute make&&sudo make install. After completion, enter the Nginx source code directory and execute the command

./configure – prefix=/etc/nginx – with pcre=/pcre source code directory – sbin path=/usr/sbin/nginx – with http_ssl_module – with openssl=/openssl source code directory
These parameters mean: – prefix is the installation directory of Nginx, – sbin path is the location of Nginx initiator, and – with http_ssl_module is used to install the SSL module.

Then execute make&&sudo make install. After installation, execute sudo nginx - v to view the Nginx version.


PHP 7.0 is installed here. Modify the source list first. Sudo vim/etc/opt/sources.list, add a line:

deb  stretch main contrib non-free rpi
Then create a file sudo vi/etc/opt/preferences, and add the following:

Package: *
Pin: release n=jessie
Pin-Priority: 600
Execute sudo apt get update to update the source. The installation is ready to begin

sudo apt-get install -t stretch php7.0 php7.0-curl php7.0-gd php7.0-fpm php7.0-cli php7.0-opcache php7.0-mbstring php7.0-xml php7.0-zip

After installation, execute php - v to view the version.


Here, I install MariaDB in the same way as MySQL, using the apt get command. You can execute the following command to find the version that can be installed

sudo apt-cache search mariadb
After finding the required version, directly use the sudo apt get install command to install it.

So far, the Web running environment has been configured.


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