How can Linux prevent the automatic upgrade of the system kernel Kernel to avoid unnecessary troubles

Kernel is the system kernel, and the kernel will also be updated when the Linux system is upgraded. Sometimes, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, many users will choose not to upgrade the Linux kernel, so how to prevent the kernel upgrade?

The method is as follows:

Method 1:

# vim /etc/yum.conf


Under the [main] configuration section, add or modify the above contents.

You can check whether it is effective through the following command:

# yum update | grep -i kernel

Method 2:

Add the - x parameter to the yum command line to skip the specified update. For example:

# yum -x ‘kernel*’ update

That's all for the way Linux prohibits the upgrade of the system kernel kernel. Method 2 is implemented by adding parameters to the yum command line, which is much simpler than method 1.


However, when updating other software packages, if you rely on the latest kernel, the software package cannot be updated successfully.


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