Two years ago, a set of Grafana+Zabbix+Prometheus monitoring system At that time, it was compiled one by one according to the documents and online tutorials. Plug ins and configuration files were scattered and difficult to maintain. So these days, taking the opportunity of migrating the server, Docker was used for installation. It basically uses only one configuration file, and can be deployed at any time in the future. At present, the configuration of MySQL+Grafana+Zabbix Server+Zabbix Agent has been written. Prometheus (previously mainly used to monitor MySQL) has not been done yet. It will be added later.


Install Docker

mirror file The installation is sufficient, and will not be repeated.

Dockers deployment

 version: '1.0' services: #Zabbix server container configuration server: image: zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:latest container_name: zabbix-server depends_on: - mysql - agent environment: TZ: Asia/Shanghai DB_SERVER_HOST: "mysql" MYSQL_DATABASE: "zabbix" MYSQL_USER: "zabbix" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "zabbix_pwd" MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "root_pwd" ports: - "10051:10051" volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro links: - mysql:zabbix-mysql - agent:zabbix-agent user: root networks: zabbixbr: ipv4_address: restart: always #Zabbix agent container configuration agent: image: zabbix/zabbix-agent:latest container_name: zabbix-agent privileged: true ports: - "10050:10050" volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro user: root networks: zabbixbr: ipv4_address: restart: always #Zabbix web environment container configuration web: image: zabbix/zabbix-web-nginx-mysql:latest container_name: zabbix-web depends_on: - mysql - server environment: TZ: Asia/Shanghai DB_SERVER_HOST: "mysql" ZBX_SERVER_HOST: "server" MYSQL_DATABASE: "zabbix" MYSQL_USER: "zabbix" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "zabbix_pwd" MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "root_pwd" volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro links: - mysql:zabbix-mysql - server:zabbix-server ports: - "90:80" user: root networks: zabbixbr: ipv4_address: restart: always  #MySQL container configuration mysql: image: mysql:5.7 container_name: zabbix-mysql command: --character-set-server=utf8 --collation-server=utf8_general_ci environment: TZ: Asia/Shanghai MYSQL_DATABASE: "zabbix" MYSQL_USER: "zabbix" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "zabbix_pwd" MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "root_pwd"      networks: zabbixbr: ipv4_address: volumes: #Database volume path:/home/data, adjusted according to your own needs - /home/data/zabbix/database/mysql:/var/lib/mysql - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro restart: always #Grafana Container Configuration grafana: image: grafana/grafana:latest container_name: zabbix-grafana environment: TZ: Asia/Shanghai #Fill in the plug-ins you want to install below, separated by commas. Of course, you can directly upload the plug-ins to the following volume GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS: alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app #Mount the volume for storage and map it to the host directory/var/lib/locker/volumes volumes: #Plug in and Grafana's user configuration data are stored here - grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana #The grafana.ini configuration file is inside - grafana-etc:/etc/grafana ports: - "3000:3000" networks: zabbixbr: ipv4_address: restart: always #Create containers used in the stack volumes: grafana-storage: grafana-etc: #Stack intranet configuration networks: zabbixbr: driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet: #Intranet gateway gateway:

Deploy the whole system to a stack, and all inter component communication is completed through the intranet. Note that the access in the container uses their own intranet IP 172.20.0.x , for use in containers and localhost Is invalid!

Save the above configuration file as docker-compose.yml

Now pull the image to be used:

 docker pull mysql:5.7 docker pull zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:latest docker pull zabbix/zabbix-agent:latest docker pull zabbix/zabbix-web-nginx-mysql:latest docker pull grafana/grafana:latest

Then run docker compose:

 docker-compose up -d docker-compose ps

The following output is OK!

Configure Zabbix

Visit later Http://Your public IP or localhost: 90/ Configure Zabbix, login ID: Admin, password: zabbix.

Open Configuration>Hosts>Zabbix server, and change the IP address in Agent interfaces to , Update, return to the Hosts list, refresh in a few minutes, and see the Availability tab of the Zabbix server ZBX If it turns green, it means that the deployment of the zabbix server+zabbix agent is successful.

Configure Grafana

visit Http://Your public IP or localhost: 3000/ , login ID: admin, password: admin.

Enable Zabbix, create a Zabbix data source, and fill in the URL Http://Your public IP or localhost: 90/api_jsonrpc.php , the account password is just the Zabbix account password. After saving, the test passes, indicating that Grafana has connected to Zabbix, and then you can DIY your panel!

